Chapter 19 - You're On Your Own

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"Alright. WHO'S BEEN SPREADING LIES ABOUT US?" Taro yelled. The students began to snicker quietly until they saw the metal bat in his hand. They looked up at his face and assumed that he was going to use that on their skulls. Some students were tempted to call a teacher. Kizana turned around and her eyes widened at the bat. She saw no mercy in his eyes.

"Well, uhhh Senpai! S-Strange seeing you here based on what happened. Why don't you be a s-sweetheart and put that bat down, okay?" Kizana smoothed out her bangs. Taro just glared at her and held his bat up.

"It was you, wasn't it..." Taro said.

"Uhhhh weeeell...." Kizana began to look around. Ayano's eyes widened, taking this as her time. She ran in and pointed at Kizana.

"It was her and five others! They have been spreading dumb rumors to ruin you and Budo's lives so they can have you for themselves!" Ayano declared. The students looked at her, then at Kizana. Kizana just looked at her with a shallow smile.

"I see that the leader is here~", she started, "Ayano. Someone no one would suspect to be the one that caused Amai to go to the hospital after telling her that she had to poison Budo's food?" The group around the fountain gasped. Both Taro and Budo turned back toward Ayano. Budo glared at her, feeling his stomach turn from what he just heard. Ayano held her hands up.

"No! It was Kizana's idea!"

"Liar... She had a whole group chat that she constructed to get rid of you and Budo."

"That you were in!"

"AHA! So you ADMIT!" Kizana yelled. Ayano froze from the sea of eyes on her. Taro's glare hurt the most. He kept his bat up.

"...Do you know...what you both put us through?..." Taro said.

"W-Wait! Senpai, You don't have the full story!" Ayano said. Kizana enjoyed watching her crumble. Taro's hands were shaking.

"Why....Why would you do this!?"

"Because she likes you, Taro..." Kizana said with a smirked. Ayano gasped loudly and her eyes shot open. She felt the earth shatter around her. The fountain group watched, loving the drama and wanting even more answers. Taro just glared at Ayano apathetically. Ayano struggled to counter Kizana's claim.

"W-Well, everything that Kizana has spread about you and Budo were faked just to get popularity points! This whole thing was her plan! All of it!"

"Senpai," Kizana said. She handed him her phone smirking. It wasn't the group chat, but the private threat Ayano sent to her number. Taro walked over to her and picked up the phone. He read Ayano's threat message she sent all the girls and looked up at Ayano. Ayano was speechless. The students around the fountain were whispering about Ayano.

"Well," Ayano started, "There were the other girls involved and... ADMIT YOU WERE SPREADING RUMORS."

"Hmmm.... Fine...Senpai... I have been spreading rumors about you and Budo... upon Ayano's request." Kizana smirked. Taro was shaking slightly.

"This isn't funny... why would you agree to do it?... Why didn't you call the police if she said she was going to hurt people??" Taro yelled. Kizana's eyes widened and she fiddled with her fingers.

"See, I was scared because she said that she would hurt people if we told about the plan."

"Who else was involved!?"

"Asu, Oka, Osoro, and Amai, but Amai is in the hospital right now... Buuuuuut can you be a dear and only be mad at Ayano please?" Kizana chuckled nervously. Taro glared at her.

"You girls.....are evil..." Taro replied. He was void of all sympathy for these girls, "I'm honestly glad I have Budo now... He wouldn't try to destroy my life..." He walked over to Budo and hugged him. Budo hugged him back smiling. The group around the fountain had many questions. Midori, of course, walked up to the bickering group.

"Wait.... Soooo Budo isn't a bad guy?" Midori asked loudly. Kizana facepalmed. Since her fame was now fading away, she had nothing left to lose.

"No Midori... It was all false...The only thing that was true was that they're a couple....nothing more..." Kizana then groaned afterward. The group's talking became louder, now focused on Kizana and Ayano.

"Why would you lie to us?!" Midori cried. Kizana glared at her.

"W-Well... It was really to get back at Ayano for being a manipulative creep! So I ruined her plan! Hmn!" Kizana crossed her arms. Taro looked up at Budo and kissed him on the nose, which earn a smile from him.

Ayano wanted to fall to her knees but refused. Her breathing began to pick up in pace. The large group noticed her behavior and stared. Kizana's eyes widened and she ducked away into the crowd, heading to the exit that led to the clubs. She took a right into the Occult Club, and looked for the ritual knife to defend herself. She saw Oka standing in the corner scared.

"Heeeey there Oka. I told everyone the plan, and Ayano's not too happy so... I suggest leaving the area... Bye!" Kizana swiped the ritual knife from the skull on the desk and ran to an exit. Oka stood wide eyed and so did the rest of the Occult club.

Taro glared at Ayano and got his bat ready. Ayano then ran from the area and went to go retrieve a few things from the Audiovisual room. 

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