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Heya! This is my first time writing a fic! So dont blame me if uts short! And my gramar is definitely bad. Worse. Worst. So, less chit chat and more story!
This story is a mix of the little mermaid and Hunter x Hunter. It might not be the exact same plot as the little mermaid since I only use my imagination.
Let's start!!!!!

"Gon! You need to turn back. Going to the surface is too dangerous! You're going to make your aunt worry if you don't come back this instant!" Kurapika swim faster trying to catch up with Gon to persuade him to not make the wrong decision. With a little bossy tone Kurapika kept persuading Gon, but nothing worked.

"No kurapika I want to go up there! It's too boring down here! It's not even the first time I've been up there, I'm just going to take a peek. Besides, its not like I want to walk on land or anyting. Just pop my head to the surface of the water for a few minutes and everything is done. No one's hurt and I will be back on time for diner."

" don't know what kind of predator humans are....they're cruel, heartless, they even eat their own kind! What would happen if they saw you!? They could eat you for all I know!" Kurapika was a bit frustrated about gon that never give up on any of his dangerous idea. Just like that one time gon was trying to fight a shark when he was 3. At least now he could fight a shark and win.

"I don't care Kurapika! I will see the surface and you won't stop me!" Gon swim away as fast as he can, leaving kupakika behind.

"Wait! Gon!..." Kurapika calls out to Gon as loud as he can, but it didn't work it's already too late gon was out of sight nowhere to be found.

Kurapika held a and on his head. Having a headache because of Gon always making him worried. It's always like this. Gon leaving without getting caught. Even when Kurapika caught him, he would always run (I mean swim) away. It's hard to admit but, Gon's hiding technique is on a different level.

Only this one time that Kurapika caught him red handed. Still, when Gon tries to go to the surface. His swimming became 10 Times faster, I mean it.

Kurapika sighs with his palm still holding the side of his head "What excuse should I tell his aunt now...."

Kurapika swims back to Gon's house, thinking of an excuse to tell when he actually arrived there.

On a certain luxurious ship there is a party dedicated to a certain prince. Celebrating his twelfth birthday.

"Your highness, I hope this party is to your liking everyone here is happy to celebrate your birthday" the servant overs the prince a drink but the prince refused.

"No thanks I dont want to get drunk and do foolish stuff while I'm at it" the servants imidietly walks away with the drink.
'Why do I have to go back and meet them?' The prince doesn't care about his birthday in fact he disliked it because on his birthday he will have to meet his family. The people on his county was nice. His county was the most peacefull of them all. The town was clean, the people were happy, most of the noble's are wise and never took the tax money!

And still, the prince dislike the idea of going back because he'd have to meet his family. Who's a bit crazy on the head.

After being away for at least 4 year from his family. The prince felt like he was in heaven. He can laze around with choco robot full in his mouth and no one screams in the house like a banshee.

His family aren't the greatest but people like to think they are, in fact it's the worst of all. They train their kids to murder and do underground transactions, they said that it was for our 'sake' but it's mostly their sake on why they are doing this. Unsurprisingly he is the next heir. And he dislike that fact.

"Your highness the fireworks is starting" the servants looks very happy, either because of the fireworks or he thinks he's going to earn the prince's favor. It's probably the second option.

"Its boring. Everything's boring. The people are boring. I want some excitement." the prince mumbles under his own breath.

"Wow it's beautifull" Gon was amazed when he saw a sparkling thing blasted into the sky. He jumped out of the water as fast as he can and now is enjoying the beautiful scenery, he didn't realize that there was a ship close to him until a few minutes.

'It's a human ship, I better take a look at it' Gon swim around the boat trying to find a hole to peek inside and he found it a hole. A square shaped hole on the deck, good thing Gon knew how to clim the anchor's rope. He take a peek inside and saw many human was dancing and jumping all over the place 'it seems like they are celebrating something'

"Your highness when you return there will be a even greater party, and of course you will be selecting your bride too this year" Gon saw a man talking to someone about a party and bride but he couldn't see properly who was the one he was talking to.

'Chose a bride? That person is the same as me, aunt Mito always told me to find a bride too, then does that mean he is like me?

A sailor came closer to Gon's hiding spot 'not good' Gon let go of the rope and dive back into the water to hide his presence.

"Huh? I thought there was someone here, must be my imagination" the sailor walked away continue drinking his rum.

While popping his head out Gon found out that there is a storm coming, he knows this because he can understand animal language and the seagulls told him that the storm is going to be huge which is kinda wierd for others but not for Gon.

So he back out from the ship and get some distance from it. But he didn't want to leave yet so he sat down on a coral at the bottom of the sea he looked at the sparkling thing that is still firing in The sky but he didn't feel right, he want to be up the water surface but he can't because if he went to the surface right now he will get washed off a few minutes later after the storm starts. He is not the greatest swimmer even if he is a Mermaid or a Merman (That's what he thinks)

The wind blows fiercely making deadly wave, the sky turns dark and lightning strikes the ship. Burning the sails. The crew yelled something at each other "Get the prince into one of the boats!" They lower the boat and there is at least 8-10 boat.

After all the boats are on the water one of the sailors yelled "The prince isn't here!" The sailors became panicked over the second.

They were afraid of losing their lives on the flame, but they fear losing the prince even more. Is they were to lose the prince on this storm. They will be executed in public for losing the kingdom's most precious heir.

"Look there he is" one of the sailors pointed into the top of the sail they all followed his finger and saw that the prince was holding his most loyal dog, Mike while being stuck on top one of sails. "Lets help the prince"

The prince knew what they were all planning and he didn't want them to get near him 'This is my chance to escape. If I succeed then I'll be free. But, if take Mike along with me. It'll be too suspicious.'

Even if the rain pour viciously and he couldn't see clearly, he jumped. When he is in the water he told his dog, Mike to swim towards the boat and never tell or give a clue to his family that he ran away. It's a good thing that he teaches his dog how to swim and his dog is always loyal to him only.

After he give the dog the order then he let himself slip away unconscious 'At least with this I won't have to meet them.'

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