The Trainee Got Kidnapped |1|

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Hyejin's P.O.V.

"Kim Seokjin, better known as Jin. Age 19, currently is a trainee in the well known The Bighit Entertainment." Said Joseph. He scoffed. "Damn silly boy, he left his king-sized life just to become an idol and get criticism. Stupid."

"Dude, stop pointing out other's mistakes!" I scolded him. "Not everybody is like you, understand? Now show me that picture of him!"

"Whatever," He rolled his eyes as he gave me his picture. "Today at 12 in the noon, him and his group are having a get-to-know fan sign since their debut song is going to release in two days. Then is when you have to do your stuff." He ordered me. "Try not to get caught because this one is a big one."

"Don't worry, sir." I turned my gaze from the picture towards him and winked at him. "I will move like a snake."

"What a snake you are." Joseph laughed and said sarcastically through the phone. I already want to kill him, that damn group.

"Shut up! It's not my fault that these guys are already popular before their debut!" I made a disgusting face while looking at their fan base. "There are just too many people here. I feel claustrophobic!" I sighed.

"You have to do work, Hyejin. I haven't sent you there to become an emo." Joseph scolded me.

"YeaYea.." I rolled my eyes and started looking for a place that was less crowded. Hell, I am not even a fan. Why am I standing in the line anyways?

"Dude, tell me." I said as I got my wrist closer to my mouth to talk to Joseph, my so-called boss. "Where is their dressing room?"

"According to where you are standing right now, you need to go straight first, then take a left turn. There will be a door which would say 'BTS'. That is their dressing room." Joseph explained and I obeyed.

Joseph already had a map and a camera installed inside the dressing room. That's just how powerful we were.

I went to the dressing room which was a big task for me. The fans were so damn annoying and loud. Infact, one kept following me because she thought that I was a close friend of BTS since I wasn't acting as crazy as they were.

I sighed as I reached infront of the 'BTS' dressing room door.

"Is he alone in there?" I asked Joseph.

"Not yet," Joseph took a pause. "He has Jungkook and Hoseok with him currently."

"When should I enter, then?" I asked him. "When will they leave?"

"Just a second," Joseph said. I could hear him talk to someone else through the phone on some other phone.

"Hyejin," he said "I want you to hide behind the vase beside you." He ordered and I obeyed.

"Now what?" I asked him.

"I have asked one of our agents to go and give Jungkook and Hoseok some work. They will be gone soon." He said.

After 10 minutes, I saw a girl enter the dressing room. She came out of the room with Jungkook and Hoseok.

"All clear, Hyejin." Joseph assured. "Go inside."

"On it!" I said as I removed my mask and went inside the dressing room.

When I entered the dressing room, I saw clothes and constumes scattered around all over the place. I cringed. Honestly, what is wrong with being and keeping the surroundings clean? Is it that hard?

I looked over at Jin who was looking at himself in the mirror, admiring his face. Is this him?

I took out his picture from my pocket and crossed check. This is him..what the hell?

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