Her Resignation |22|

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"HYEJIN!!!" I screamed as I held her. My shirt soaked half of the blood flowing out of her body.

All of the BTS members ran towards me and Hyejin. All of them looked very shocked.

"YOU CRAZY LADY!!!" Joseph screamed as he ran towards her and punched her right on her face. I freaking don't care about how you treat her, just kill her!

"Hyejin!" I whimpered as I looked at her. She smiled.

"Silly, I won't die." Hyejin smiled.

"What?" I asked her.

"We all know that Maria is a gang leader, but her aim sure does suck." She chuckled. "She shot me on my arm. I will be fine, Jin." Hyejin smiled.

Even though he said that she was fine, the tears didn't stop rolling down from my cheeks.

"Why are you still crying?" She asked me with small eyes.

"I-I almost thought that I lost you, stupid!" I started wailing as I hugged her.

"Yeah, Jin. Don't worry, I won't leave you that easily." She chuckled. "Now tie up my wound before I lose too much blood and die right here."

"Don't even say that!" I exclaimed and she started laughing.

"Here." A hand offered me a cloth tore from a jacket. When I looked up, I saw that it was Suga. "Tie this on her arm." He said while he averted his eyes.

The BTS members exchanged naughty glares with each other.

I chuckled.

"Thanks, man." I said as I tied a cloth around a wound.

"Ow!" She whimpered.

"Oh sorry, does it hurt?" I asked her.

"Oh no, I have only been shot by a gun. Why would it hurt?" She showed me a forced smile. She sure hasn't changed.

"Hey, are you guys done?" Joseph asked us dryly.

When we all looked at him, we encountered that Maria was pinned down by Joseph. Both of them were covered with blood.

"She is still a biggener. Who made you a leader anyways?" Joseph scoffed.

"Bitch." She scoffed and kicked Joseph on his private part which resulted in Joseph to let her loose.

"Aarghh!" Joseph groaned in pain.

"You think that I am a biggener? Well think again." She said as she pointed her gun towards Joseph. "Say good bye to your friends." She said.

"WAIT!" Hyejin pulled me away from her and ran towards Maria. No, Hyejin..

"You ain't killing my bro that easily." Hyejin smirked as she punched Maria right in her stomach. This resulted in Maria to cough out blood.

"Argh, you bitch!" Maria groaned as attempted to punch Hyejin on her cheeks but fail since Hyejin dodged it.

"I am not the best fighter of the The Viper's for no reason." Hyejin smirked as she placed another punch on Maria's cheek.

She is so amazing! She is even fighting while she has an injury on her arm. I love her.

Hyejin had captured Maria in her arms and Maria was too weak to even move now.

"Bitch, tell us. Why are you after us?!" Hyejin growled at Maria.

"Because you killed my brother!" Maria cried.

"What?!" Me, Joseph and Hyejin exclaimed in unison while the BTS members stared at us dumbfoundedly.

"Kyungsoo was...your brother?" Hyejin asked Maria in a disbelief.

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