His Love Gurus |17|

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"PD nim is going to kill us!" Namjoon exclaimed as he sat on the mattress provided to him.

Nobody said anything. After knowing that Jin was all fine over here, at the headquarters, BTS quite regretted coming here. After all, PD nim had already warned them.

"Hyung, we are sorry." Jimin said and Namjoon boiled with rising anger.

"That's it? You are sorry?! You guys do know that we are a part of The Bighit Entertainment, right? If they find out that all of us are kidnapped then they will find new trainees, do you realise that?!" Namjoon scolded all of them.

"Am I interrupting?" The door creaked opened revealing Jin and Hyejin. "But guess what? Even if I am interrupting, I don't care." She said with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh thank god, because you are definitely interrupting." Suga rolled his eyes and Hyejin glared at him.

Definitely, the entire BTS had figured out already that Suga and Hyejin were pure rivals now. Both of them were savage, and basically were ready to kill each other any time possible.

"Babysit him." Hyejin hissed as she pushed Jin towards them and shut closed the door leaving all of them alone.

As Jin properly stood in front of them, he noticed that all of his team mates were giving him a dirty look.

"Hyung...when did you turn into this?" J-Hope asked Jin which confused Jin a lot.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked them back.

"She is literally half of your size, why don't you take advantage of that?!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Oh, trust me. I already did." Jin smirked as he thought about last night.

Hyejin, on the other side was eavesdropping on everyone through the door. What if they make a plan of escape?

"Hyung! You have to do something! If we don't show up tomorrow, we are damn sure that PD nim will kick us out of the group!" V exclaimed and Jin sighed.

"I never told you to come over here." Jin said.

"But we were worried, Hyung.." Jungkook said.

"I know you were worried. Trust me, everything is going to be fine. Even if we get kicked out of the group, we will be kicked out together and then we can audition for some other company together!" Jin suggested and everybody's face lit up.

"I like that idea." Suga confessed.

"We missed you Hyung." Everybody said as they started hugging each other.

Whereas Hyejin behind the doors couldn't stop smiling. Their friendship is really appreciable. No wonder Jin wanted to come here to check up on them.

Hyejin smiled as she left the place to go back to Jin's room to rest a little bit.

All of them were having a happy reunion inside the room until Jin finally decided to tell them what his mind was thinking.

"Guys," Jin said as everybody sat down on the matteress provided to them.

"I think I like Hyejin." Jin confessed and everyone looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"Who is Hyejin?" Namjoon asked.

"The girl who was right here just now, she is Hyejin. I think like her." Jin said and nobody said anything.

There was a lo~ng silence in the room until Suga broke it.

"You like that dumpy little school girl who kidnapped you?" Suga said with a disgusted face.

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