The After Story |15|

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Jin's P.O.V.

"Hyejin..." I wiped off the tears that were streaming down to my cheeks without my permission.

Kyungsoo...that bastard raped her!

"I fell in love with Kyungsoo but regretted as soon I saw his true nature. I don't want to make that mistake again, Jin." Hyejin said. "Those days still haunt me. I feel like there is always somebody who is behind me. I just-I can't be like this! I can't fall in love again! He even took away my parents and my best friend, the most important people in my life!" Hyejin exclaimed as her eyes shed tears.

I held her by her shoulder. "Hyejin! It's okay. I know you are scared, but please, don't punish yourself for what that fucking midget did." I said and her eyes widened up.

I looked into her eyes and hugged her tightly.

"It's okay to be scared, Hyejin. Trust me, you are not alone. Everybody is afraid of something. Now look at me, I am so damn afraid of cockroaches! But that doesn't stop me from living my life, now does it?" I smiled at her forcefully. I still can't believe this. If only Kyungsoo were alive right now, I'd bury him under the moon. He made Hyejin suffer so much!

Hyejin chuckled. "You are afraid of cockroaches?" She asked me as I pulled away myself from her.

"Yeah, I literally can't stand straight when I encounter one." I said and she started laughing. Thank god, my little lie made her cheer up!

"You are right...but..." She looked at me. "I need a little space right now, Jin. With all the stuff that has been going on, me kidnapping you and then know..I just need a little time to think." She said sincerely.

"Take all the time you want to take, Hyejin. Infact, you don't need to be stressed at all! You don't need to give me an answer to the question I never asked." I started chuckling due to nervousment. Wait, what?

"Fine then, ask me the question so that I can repeat the stuff I just said." Hyejin replied.

" There is no need, at least not for now. I am just a victim and you are my kidnapper. Let's just stay like that, I like it." I said and her smiled broke down.

"You know why?" I smirked. "Because I am into those kinds of kinky stuff." I winked at her which resulted in her to blush.

"You pervert!" She hissed at me and I started laughing.

We started laughing but my laugh broke down as suddenly, something popped up into my mind.

"Hey, Hyejin!" I exclaimed. "Who is Daniel? You said that he rescued you."

"Ah, Daniel! He was a good guy in my story. He was the leader who was appointed after your father had left and he was very kind. Sometimes I didn't even realise that he was a gang leader because of his kindness but then.." She took a deep breath. "One day, he passed away." 

"How?" I asked her.

"That crackhead stepped over a Lego and fell on top of a toolkit." She chuckled. Ouch.

"I swear, that was the biggest disaster happened with The Viper's. Everything changed after his younger brother, Eric became the leader of this gang." She said.

"Eric?" I asked her. Who is Eric?

"That fat guy who was scolding me yesterday." Hyejin rolled her eyes. Aah so he is Daniel's younger brother.

"Is he not good?" I asked her.

"No, he is a bad person." She replied.

"You are in a 'gang', Hyejin. He is supposed to be a bad person." I said with a poker face.

"Yeah but...he is not Daniel. Daniel was kind to his co-workers but he treats us like slaves." Hyejin averted her eyes.

That is why he slapped Hyejin and Joseph as if it was nothing, that asshole.

"Daniel never wanted to disturb your father from having a good and decent life, but since he died and Eric came in, I had to kidnap you because Eric needs those documents." Hyejin said.

I could see honesty and sincerity in her eyes.

"Ayo Jin! Open the fucking door!!" I familiar voice banged on the door hard enough for the photo frame beside it to break. Aah, I had locked the door last night.

"Yeah yeah, wait!" I exclaimed as I ran towards the door and opened it.

"Why in the world was your door closed, asshole!" He exclaimed but when he saw Hyejin sitting on my matteress, his expression changed.

"Hyejin, what are you doing here??" He exclaimed.

Before Hyejin could say anything, Joseph opened his mouth again to say something stupid.

"Did you guys spend the night together? Did I wake you up? I mean, yeah I did tell you to do whatever you want to do but I didn't tell you to hook up with the guy you just kidnapped!" Joseph exclaimed.

"We did not hook up!" Hyejin exclaimed back at him.

"Then what are you doing in his room, on his matteress and why was the fucking door locked?!" He shouted.

"Joseph!!!" Hyejin exclaimed. "I.." She averted her eyes. "I told him about it, Joseph."

With that, Joseph's became a flustered one.

"About what? Is it what I am thinking is?" Joseph asked.

"It is." Hyejin nodded.

"WHY DID YOU TELL HIM ABOUT MY BABES, YOU TRAITOR!" Joseph shouted at Hyejin. Who is babes?

"Babes? What?! No!! I told him about Kyungsoo!" Hyejin shouted back.

"Can you guys stop shouting?? This is getting really pissing off!" I exclaimed, in the attempt to get into the conversation.

"Shut up!" Both of them shouted at me in unison. Oh son of a bitch.

Hyejin sighed.

"What are you doing here, Joseph?" Hyejin asked Joseph, in a rather calm tone now.

He took a long breath.

"It's BTS."

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