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Third Person's P.O.V.

After Hyejin and Joseph left The Viper's, they rented a small apartment and lived together as roomates. But Joseph left the apartment soon after he got himself a sugar mommy.

They both saved a little money they had received from The Viper's and opened their own coffee shop named 'Partner In Crime & Coffee' where Hyejin cooked and Joseph managed.

BTS members finally went back to Bighit. They gave their producer, Bang PD a fake yet realistic excuse on why the other members weren't present while Jin just told PD nim that he was let out by The Viper's. PD nim believed their stupid stories.

BTS finally debuted on June 13th, 2013.

Hyejin and Jin finally started going out after 2-3 weeks of their debut when Hyejin accidentally confessed her feelings to Jin while she was drunk.

"You handsome face, I love you!" Hyejin confessed.

"What?!" Jin exclaimed in nervousment.

That scene wasn't very pretty though. Hyejin acted like a mad wolf after Jin told her that she had confessed to Jin while she was drunk but finally, she ended up saying 'yes' to Jin.

Suga and Hyejin were in good terms now but their sarcasm never left the place.

"The fuck?! Why did you snatch my chips away from me?!" Suga exclaimed.

"Oh be glad that they are just your chips. If I wanted, I could easily snatch away that special person you keep thinking about without even you knowing it!" Hyejin hissed at Suga and Suga blushed.

"Wh-What do you mean by that?!" Suga exclaimed in nervousment.

"Oh come on! Everybody knows that you have the hots for Jimin. Everybody knows except that dense fucker." Hyejin rolled her eyes.

Since then, Suga automatically became a little more obedient towards Hyejin.

Jin's parents were told that Hyejin had to change her name from Kim Woori to Kim Hyejin due to some family issues. His parents didn't mind this change at all.

Now that Jin was an idol, he obviously had a lot of fans which bothered Hyejin a lot.

"What the hell?! I saw you holding hands with a numerous girls and boys at your fan sign today!" Hyejin exclaimed. "You should wash your hands or at least carry a hand sanitizer with you." Hyejin pouted.

"Babe, are you jealous?" Jin asked Hyejin while he smirked at her.

Hyejin scoffed. "Hell no!"

"Aww, I know that you are jealous." Jin smirked and winked at Hyejin as he moved closer to him.

Hyejin didn't want Jin to speak a word more so she forced-kissed Jin.

When Hyejin pulled away, Jin looked at her into her eyes.

"Oh I love it when you get jealous. Now look at what you have done." He smirked as he pointed towards his groin area and carried Hyejin bridal style into her bedroom.

*Coughs* Ya'll do know what happened after that. Now, I mean, nobody is that innocent. *Sneezes* Excuse me.

Well, Hyejin and Jin became one of the celebrity-couple goals. Everybody knew that Jin was dating a girl named Hyejin and to be honest, most of the fans were jealous of Hyejin.

And now, after 6 years of them going out together, it was finally the day.

6 Years Later

"Argh! Why did I have to date a freaking idol?! Literally, all I can see are media and fans screaming Seokjin oppa. I mean, don't they already know it that he is mine?!" Hyejin exclaimed at Jungkook.

"Aww Noona, there are fans which ship you two together too." Jungkook smiled at Hyejin.

"Be happy, Hyejin. It's your wedding day today." Joseph said.

"Whatever." Hyejin rolled her eyes.

While Hyejin walked down the aisle, Jin looked at her with the eyes filled with love. She looks so beautiful.

Hyejin smiled as she stood infront of him.

"Do you, Kim Hyejin, take Kim Seokjin as you lawfully wedded husband until death aparts you?" The Reverend asked.

"I do." Hyejin said.

"Do you, Kim Seokjin, take Kim Hyejin as you lawfully wedded wife until death aparts you?" Said the Reverend again.

"I do." Jin winked at her.

"You may now kiss the bride." The Reverend said.

Jin moved closer towards Hyejin. One of his hands were on Hyejin's waist and the other one was caressing her cheek. With that, they connected their lips and everybody shouted in excitement.

When they broke their kiss, Jin smiled.

"You are officially mine now, Hyejin."

"My baby! I am so proud of you!" Jin's mom exclaimed as she hugged Jin.

"Hyejin, welcome to the Kim's family." Jin's dad patted Hyejin on her shoulder.

"Thank you, appa." Hyejin smiled.

"So how are you feeling getting married to the worldwide handsome Billboard star, Hyejin?" Jin asked Hyejin.

"I feel amazing." Hyejin replied and everybody gasped.

"I seriously thought that your were going to say something sarcastic!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"Nahh, not today." Hyejin smiled. I wanna show him that I can be a lovely bitch.

"Hyejin, can you come with me for a second?" Jin asked her and she obeyed.

Soon, they reached at the terrace of the building they were having their reception party at.

"What are we doing here?" Hyejin asked Jin.

"I love you." Jin said while looking into her eyes. "I want to teasure this moment forever, Hyejin." Jin smiled.

Hyejin's mouth left a small chuckle. "I love you too." She said.

And with that, their lips connected.


Author's Note-

Thank you so much for choosing Bad Gentleman!❤️

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