About Her |10|

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Jin's P.O.V.

I sat on my usual place in the basement.

"I'll come back soon, just wait here." Hyejin said and left me alone in the basement. I quickly got up and started looking for any possible way to get out.

Is there no window here? Oh wait...it's a basement.

I sighed. I feel terrible for not being there. Because of me, my team members have to suffer.

All I knew at that point of time was that I was letting all my team mates down. All of them wanted to debut so bad!

While I was stilling fighting with myself, I suddenly got an urge to go to the bathroom.

Carefully, I opened the basement door and followed the place where Hyejin had taken me yesterday. Remember that bathroom incident? I can never forget it.

I was walking casually but something caught my attention.

There was a big door beside me and I could hear very loud noises, as if somebody was scolding someone. I'll be dead if I get found out.

I started walking but stopped again. I heard a familiar voice from inside which made me go closer to the door. I peaked with one of my eyes.

"I am really sorry sir." I saw Hyejin say.

"You are sorry?! That's it, you are sorry?!" The fat guy, who was scolding Hyejin, shouted.

"Sir, I apologise on her behalf. I am very sorry, this won't happen again." Joseph said, as if he was defending Hyejin. So Joseph is a good guy?

"It has been 2 days since you have kidnapped that bum, you guys have made no freaking progress with him!" He shouted again. Bum? Who is Bum?

They stayed silent.

The fat man faced towards Hyejin again.

"You.." he looked at Hyejin from head to toe. "You were at his freaking house yesterday, you had a golden opportunity! Why didn't you complete the mission Min Hyejin!" He shouted at her which made her flinch. She looked down towards her feet. I have never seen her like thi- wait. The mission wasn't cancelled?!

"You are useless. I literally gave you another life after that fucking midget you were after killed your parents! You fucking owe me and this is what I get?!" He shouted and slapped Hyejin mercilessly. The fuck! He just slapped a girl?!

"Sir, it wasn't you. It was Daniel who had saved me." Hyejin looked at the fat guy with a strong gaze.

"What did you say?!" The fat guy raises his hand again but instead of Hyejin, Joseph was the one who had gotten slapped. Joseph took the slap for her!

"S-Sir! Please! We will work harder, we promise!" Joseph pleaded and the fat guy sighed.

"Take this girl somewhere far away from my site." The fat guy said.

He nodded and grabbed Hyejin's hand.

Oh shit, they are coming!

I quickly hid behind a dustbin beside the door. I think that I was barely not visible but since it was a basement, it was dark.

Hyejin and Joseph came out of the room and shut the door they came out from. Hyejin bursted out crying. She is crying...I don't like to see this.

Joseph hugged her tightly. Asshole get off her!!

"Hyejin," Joseph said. "Let's be strong okay?" He said and Hyejin nodded.

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