He Goes On His First Mission |7|

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"Jin, I swear if you make a mistake," Joseph growled. "I will feed you to pigeons myself."

"B-But I have never been to a mission, what the hell?" I whined.

"It's not like you have to sneak around or kill someone, you just have to go to your own house and meet your appa." Hyejin said calmly.

"And steal from him. Haha very easy." I rolled my eyes in sarcasm.

Joseph sighed. "You are such a girl man!" He exclaimed.

"I am not a girl! I am just a good person who doesn't steal unlike you!" I shouted at him in anger. This guy is getting on my nerves!

He showed me his fist and was about to punch me right on the face. I closed my eyes in reflex but I didn't feel the punch.

When I opened one of my eyes slowly, I saw that Hyejin had stopped him. Did she really stop him from punching me?

Joseph scoffed. "Now look at you, being the good person here." He said while giving Hyejin a dirty look.

"I just think that you shouldn't release your anger on him. I mean, it's not his fault that you are constipated." Hyejin said while smirking.

I swear I almost lost it when she said 'constipated'. A chuckle released from my mouth but Joseph gave me a death glare and I quickly put my hand in front of my mouth.

"I am not constipated!" He shouted and left the room.

Hyejin looked at me with a poker face.

"What was that?" She asked me.

"What was what?" I asked her back.

"I told you a million times that you should avoid angering him but you fucking just shouted at him right now!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah well, I am a human too. I can get angry too." I said softly while averting my eyes. She sighed.

"Don't do it agin, okay?" She said.

"I won't do it if he is ready to learn how to treat pretty women like you." I said with a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"I told you to not flirt with me!" She exclaimed.

"It kinda runs in the blood, can't help." I winked at her.

Hyejin's P.O.V.

Why did I stop Joseph from hitting Jin? All I knew at that point of time was that I didn't want Jin to get hurt.

I was too occupied while driving and thinking about what had happened a few minutes ago, I didn't even notice Jin who was sitting beside me and blabbering about how to chop onions.

"Hey, are you listening?" He asked me.

"Hmm? Yeah I am listening." I said. Damn it, i shouldn't be this off guard around him.

"Yeah so the best way to chop onions is if you make layers in them. That way, the onions will be chopped small and even." Jin said.

"Uh huh? Okay." I said. Why am I not yelling at him? He is literally gonna make me murder myself if he talks for five more minutes!

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