He Trusts People |4|

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Jin's P.O.V.

"What is going on? Where are we going? Where are you taking me?" I asked them.

"Shut up, you nag shit!" The guy who had tied me up earlier ordered me and I flinched.

"I told you to be quiet. He doesn't have a good temper." Hyejin whispered into my ear.

Why am I here anyways? They have a rivalry with my dad, not me!

The guy in front of me, maybe his name was Joseph, stop walking.

"We are here." He said. "Get in, both of you." He ordered and we obeyed.

When we entered the room, I saw two chairs kept across to each other and a table between them. There was a black briefcase on the table. Does it have money in it? Why does this place look like a scene from a movie?

"Sit." Hyejin ordered and I obeyed.

She opened the briefcase, but it was totally opposite of my imagination. It is a lie ditector.

I was shook as my eyes widened up. I only saw one of these in the movies, this is the first time I am seeing one! But wait, isn't it illegal?

 I only saw one of these in the movies, this is the first time I am seeing one! But wait, isn't it illegal?

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Hyejin folded up the sleeve of my right arm and started putting it's cables onto my nerves.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her.

"We need to ask you some questions and I want you to be truthful." She said with a stern voice while she attached it's cables onto my nerves. "If that needle shifts towards green, it means that you are speaking the truth. But if that needle shifts towards red, it means that you are speaking a lie and Kim Seokjin, if that needle shifts towards red, I will shoot all of the six bullets from my gun into your Brain." She said. She is scary.

"But to use a lie ditector, you need to have an order from the court, you know that, right?" I asked her.

"You think that we'd ask the court for a stupid lie ditector?" She scoffed. "They wouldn't give it to us so we created a new and a better one." She said.

"How?" I asked her.

"None of your business." She said. "Now sit straight, take a deep breath and relax." She said as she sat across me. "Try to be confident, we don't want the results to be hazy. You can answer in only 'yes' and 'no's. Alright?"

I just nodded.

"So, let's start of with an easy question." She said. "Is your name Kim Seokjin?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said.

The needle shifted towards the green colour.

"See? It works." She smiled. "Now let's increase the intensity."

"Are you scared right now?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said without any hesitation. Mostly of you only, you scary kitten.

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