The Four Years Ago |14|

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Author's note-

Extremely long chapter ahead-

This chapter is all about Hyejin's past. If you are interested and curious about her, I recommend reading it.

Also, this chapter contains some scenes which dipict torture, rape and murder. If you are not comfortable, then please don't read it.

Flashback (4 years ago)

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Min Hyejin!" Hana called Hyejin out. "I have been calling you since I can remember! What are you even thinking about?!" Hana exclaimed and Hyejin snapped out of her thoughts.

"Ah, sorry Hana.." Hyejin apologized.

" it the new boy?" She asked Hyejin.

"What? Who is the new boy?" Hyejin asked Hana.

"Oh I know! You have been thinking about Kyungsoo, haven't you?" She wiggled her eyebrows to tease Hyejin.

"Hana! It's nothing like that! We are just friends." Hyejin exclaimed. Kyungsoo...that name rings a bell though.

"Oh wow! He transferred to our school yesterday and you guys are already friends? Well I see someone is lucky, heh?" Hana teased Hyejin which resulted her to blush badly.

"He just wanted a little help with the locker yesterday so I helped him." Hyejin said.

"You guys sure would look good together but his height is a little small. He is literally one inch taller than you! But, oh is not perfect." Hana sang.

"Hana, stop!" Hyejin exclaimed and Hana bursted out laughing.

Hyejin was walking towards her house when suddenly, someone patted on her shoulder. She turned around and found out that it was Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo?!" She exclaimed and started blushing.

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hey.." Hyejin looked down.

"Urm...if you don't mind me asking," Kyungsoo said. "Are you free tonight?" He asked Hyejin.

"Yeah, I am free..why?" She asked. "Wait! Are you asking me out on a date?!" Hyejin exclaimed and Kyungsoo chuckled.

"You are too cute to be taken out on a date, Hyejin." He winked. "And I like cute things."

Hyejin giggled at his cheesiness.

"So, would you like to go out on dinner tonight?" He asked Hyejin.

She nodded.

"Hyejin!" Hana shot opened Hyejin's bedroom door.

"Hey! You shouldn't open the door that forcefully!" Hyejin exclaimed.

"Hyejin, why aren't you picking up my phone calls? And what is wrong with your room?" Hana scolded Hyejin. "I know you, you are a total clean freak but your room looks like a fish market right now!"

Hyejin's clothes were scattered all around her room.

"Hana, there has been a crisis." Hyejin cried.

"What crisis?!" Hana asked Hyejin, all worried.

"I can't choose what to wear!" Hyejin said and Hana glared at her.

"Oh my god! That is a very big crisis!" Hana said in sarcasm. "I can help you with that but what do you even need to get dressed up for?" Hana asked Hyejin.

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