The Bangtan Boys |16|

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Hyejin's P.O.V.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE?!" Jin shouted at the six figures that were sitting on the sofa in front of him, their heads bowed, except of Namjoon who was struggling. "AND WHY IS NAMJOON TIED UP LIKE THAT?!"

"Hyung.." The maknae, Jungkook said. "We can explain."


Third Person's P.O.V.

"Why can't we go?!" Jimin whined at their producer, Bang PD.

"Are you crazy?! It The Viper's Gang! You know how dangerous they are! We can't go there! Its stupidity!" Bang PD shouted at Jimin.

"PD nim is right, it is stupidity. What if we get killed or something?" Namjoon followed.

"And what if Jin Hyung is already dead?!" Jungkook exclaimed and everybody and everything around them went silent.

Bang PD sighed.

"Listen, I am not sure about Jin. But I won't risk your lives. Now end of the discussion." Bang PD got up from his chair. "Tomorrow is Sunday. Take a good rest and I will see you all on Monday." Bang PD said and left the room.

There was a long pause in the room. But then suddenly, J-Hope broke the silence.

"Are you guys thinking what I am thinking?" J-Hope looked at his team members.

"Hyung, I think this is the only option we have right now." Jungkook said.

Everybody started glaring at Namjoon.

"Wait, what are you guys thinking about?" Namjoon asked them in a suspicious tone, scared fof loosing his life.

He didn't even realise when Jungkook had already gotten a rope and a cloth.

"Wa-What is that for? Jungkook??" He stammered and without even any notice, Jungkook tied up Namjoon's hands and legs. Suga tied up Namjoon's mouth so that he wouldn't make any noise.

"MHNMMM MMNHHHMM!!!" Namjoon tried to speak but Jimin put his palm against Namjoon's mouth tightly.

"Sorry Hyung, but this is the only option." Jimin apologized.

Jungkook carried Namjoon effortlessly on his shoulder and the 5 men started walking towards their car.

Suga was their driver of the day since he was the oldest one after Jin.

"I hope we don't see any police in between because I still don't have a license." Suga confessed.

"We won't find any police, The Viper's Headquarters is in a deserted area so that nobody would find them." V said.

"How do you know that?" Suga asked him.

"I kinda hacked a little." V confessed.

"Um...Hyung, I think we should hurry up." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, it's really hard to carry Namjoon on our laps like this. He is moving too much." Jimin said.

"MHHMNM MHNNM!!!" Namjoon tried to yell but Jimin again put his palm against Namjoon's mouth.

"Fine, let's go then." Suga said and switched on the engine.

End of Flashback

Hyejin's P.O.V.

"You guys!" Jin whined as he opened up Namjoon.

"Ah! I thought that I was going to loose my breath! Thanks Hyung, for saving me!" Namjoon exclaimed. Am I in a love triangle now?

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