Is He Obedient? |3|

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

"Guys! Let us just inform to the police already!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"What do you think?" Jimin asked me.

"Bad idea." I said.

"Why??" Everybody shouted at me.

"He is right, it is a bad idea." Bang PD said.

"But why?" Suga asked him.

"Do you guys not watch news or something?" I asked them. "Remember the last time Viper's had kidnapped someone, the parents of the victim had informed to the police and because of that, the Viper's literally had blasted the entire mall in which only police officers contained. They sure do know how to lure police officers." I scoffed.

"A total of 210 officers had died that afternoon." Bang PD said and everyone gasped.

"T-Then what do we do?"  Jungkook said, on the verge of crying.

I sighed.

"All we can do right now is wait for their next call. They promised that they wouldn't do anything to Hyung unless he doesn't obey them and as far as I know him, he is an obedient cat."

Hyejin's P.O.V.

"Dude, you are so disobedient!" I scolded him.

"No! There is no way in hell I am sitting in there!" Jin exclaimed.

"But why not?!" I asked him.

"BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING CARDBOARD BOX!" Jin shouted. "Why would you put me in a cardboard box? Are you crazy or what?!" He shouted at me.

"So you want to stay tied up to that pole the entire day??" I asked him.

"It's at least better than a small box, I won't even fit in there!" He exclaimed.

"You can if you try!" I exclaimed.

"Do you know who sits in a box? DOGS AND CATS AND I AM NOT A DOG OR A CAT!" He shouted at me again.

I sighed. Him and his luxurious life.

"And you guys are the number one gang in Korea right? Why can't you just arrange me a good room or something?" He narrowed his eyes while asking me.

"Because this ain't a hotel room! You have just been kidnapped, genius! This is a fucking basement, for god's sake. Be grateful that I am not torturing you because I am very good at that stuff." I said.

"At least have a little courtesy of me. I am such a nice guy, you shouldn't behave this way. It doesn't suit you." He said and I blinked my eyes.


"Aish Hyejin, you shouldn't act like that! It doesn't suit you." Hana chuckled. "That girly act of yours, whom are you doing it for, huh? Is it Kyungsoo?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Huh? NO WAY!" I exclaimed. "I don't like him, are you dumb or what?"

She chuckled. "You think I wouldn't know who you like? Yeah sure." She teased me again.

"Shut up, Hana." I rolled my eyes.

End of Flashback

"I know what suits me the best, keep your mouth shut." I scolded him and sat on the chair in the corner of the room. Damn Joseph! Because of him, I am stuck with this annoying brat.

"At least open my hand cuffs, they hurt." He whined.

I glared at him and he gulped.

After that, there was a long~ silence in the room. At least he is quiet for now.

But the peacefulness didn't last long.

"Hey, whatever your name is." He said.

"Min Hyejin." I said.

"Jin, Hyejin. Our names are so similar!" He exclaimed.

"Mhmm~" I said and I closed my eyes.

Again, he interrupted the beautiful silence in the room.

"Do you know what you, Hyejin would say if you had to call me?" He asked me.

"What?" I said while my eyes closed in a bored tone.

"Hyejin would say 'hey Jin'." He said and started laughing loudly like a seal.


I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was tearing up because of the lame joke he just cracked. I think I need to call the mental asylum.

I closed my eyes again and tried to sleep.

"Hey, Hyejin." He said.

"Ugh, stop it!" I said in an annoying tone while I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Do you want to hear a joke about paper?" He asked me.

"No, I don't want to." I replied back.

"Hmm...nevermind, it is tearable anyways." He said and started laughing again.

Terrible? Tearable?

"What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you just shut up and sleep or something?" I asked him.

"Nah, I won't put my shirt up or else you will end up getting horny." He laughed again.

Huh? Shut? Shirt?

"You are impossible." I sighed as I took a cloth and started walking towards him. "This will keep you shut." I said as I wrapped the cloth over his mouth so that he would not be able to say anything.

"Whmmmy you dmmo thmmmisshh???" He still mumbled.

I sat across him on the floor.

"What will you take to shut up, Kim Seokjin?" I asked him.

"Imm wammmntt ymmou tmmo opmmeen mmhy hanmmmdcuffs." He mumbled and I sighed.

I removed the cloth from his mouth.

"Now speak." I said.

"I want you to open my hand cuffs." He said.

"I can't do that. Hell, I WON'T do that." I said.

"But my wrists hurt and to become an idol, I shouldn't have any scars on my body. It's not good for my image." He whined.

"You will only become an idol if you survive, Jin." I said dryly. "You are at the Viper's headquarters right now. There is a 90% chance of your death. The people who are not the members of Viper's die if they enter this headquarters. You cannot trust ANYBODY here." I said.

"So, you mean to say that you will kill me?" He asked me.

"Yes, I will kill you. But you have to obey me properly if you don't want to die." I replied back.

"Hmm.." He hmmed. "But you are too cute to be a murderer though." He winked at me.


"You are just too cute to be taken to a date, Hyejin." Kyungsoo winked at me. "And I like cute things."

I giggled.

"Would you like to go out on dinner with me tonight?" He asked me.

End of Flashback

"Dude, stop flirting with me. I hate it!" I hissed at him.

"Oh, I know that you like it." He smiled. "It's okay, every single girl likes it when a guy teases her regarding their beauty." He chuckled.

"I am not an ordinary girl, understand?" I said. "I am a murderer, and I won't hesitate to do what I am thinking right now."

"Are you thinking about kissing me? Because I don't hesitate either." He winked at me.

"NO! I WON'T HESITATE TO SHOOT YOU WITH MY GUN, YOU JACKAS—" I was cut off by Joseph who had just entered the room.

"Hyejin, it's time."

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