His Second Mission |20|

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Hyejin's P.O.V.

"Jin, you don't have to do this." I told him. I am against this plan. Jospeh is an idiot.

"Sadly, I will have to agree on this with her. Don't go, Hyung." Suga followed.

"Listen! Don't worry, alright? I will be fine." Jin smiled.

"Guys, this is the only way. Jin is the only one over here who knows the map of this headquarters. And The Snakes don't even know Jin since he is not a Viper's member. I think that he can do it." Joseph explained.

"Think?! What do you mean by 'think'? It's stupid! One of you go!" Namjoon pointed towards me and Joseph.

"I think that he is right. Joseph, you should go." I said.

Everything looked at Joseph with a pinch of hope.

"What? Why are you all looking at me?!" Joseph exclaimed. "Alright, I don't have a problem. I can go BUT,"

"But what?"

"But they know me. They have my biodata. They have legit everyone's biodata who is a part of The Viper's! They won't hesitate to shoot me once they see me. Now, should I go to carry out our plan?" Joseph asked us and all of us became speechless.

"He is right. Just don't worry about me, alright?" Jin smiled at all of us.

"Here, take this. You might need it." Joseph said while he handed Jin one of his guns. "It's loaded."

"I highly doubt that I would need this." Jin chuckled while he put the gun in his jacket.

"Yeah, I highly doubt that too." Joseph said nervously.

"Here, take your phone. Remember I had confiscated it from you on your first day here?" I said. "Call us. Keep your phone on silent but on vibrate." I said.

"Yeah." He replied.

"And here, take this button. You press it when you think you are ready, alright?" Joseph said while giving me the button.

"Yes, sir." He said obediently.

"Be good, alright? Do not hesitate to shoot anyone if they trouble you." Joseph said.

"Yes! You won't have to be worried about getting arrested. After all, all of them over there are also criminals." I said and Jin chuckled.

"Bye guys! See you soon. I promise that we will debut together!" Jin said to his team mates.

All of the BTS members had a frown on their faces. I can totally understand them. Infact, this plan sucks.

"And Hyejin," Jin turned towards me. "Don't worry about me, alright?" He smiled.

"As if I would." I rolled my eyes. "And don't you dare work up a lot about it, alright? If I find out something fishy, I will kill you." I glared at him.

Jin chuckled. "Bye." He said.

Joseph opened the door of the locker and we all saw Jin's figure disappear into darkness.

Suddenly, my heart became heavy. An uneasy feeling started building inside my chest. This is fear. I am scared that something would happen to him.

"All of this is because of you." Suga exclaimed at me. "If only you had never kidnapped him, he wouldm't have to go through such a dangerous task!" Suga started scolding me.

I didn't say anything. He is right. It is all my fault.

"Hyung, don't scold her right now. For all we know, she is as tensed as we are right now." Jimin said to Suga.

Suga didn't say anything after that and I didn't even care. But I could tell they Joseph had noticed my grief.

"Hyejin..." Joseph sat beside me and side-hugged me.

I knew that he could understand my pain. The fear of losing someone you care about is not a good feeling.

"You.." Suga glared at both of us. "What is the relationship you both have?" Suga asked us.

I heard all of the BTS members except Namjoon and Suga sigh.

What is that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"He meant that what would you both name the relationship you have?" Namjoon explained.

"This is what you care about during such a time?" Joseph raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Just answer the damn question." Suga said.

"Umm..." Joseph started thinking. "I haven't thought about it." He said.

"Me too..I mean, we have known each other since a long time but I don't know.." I said honestly.

"Probably bros?" He said.

"Yeah, he is my bro." I followed

Suga and Namjoon sighed as they looked at each other. I saw Jimin smirk from the behind.

Seriously, what is going on with them?!

Jin's P.O.V.

It's so different out here. I didn't expect it to be this...frightening.

The place where I was right now was my room, the basement room where I had lived. I couldn't recognise it because it was destroyed badly.

I went to the ground floor, just according to our plan.

"Hey! Who are you?!" I heard a feminine voice behind me.

When I turned around, I encountered a tall, slim and tanned woman who looked like she was in her early 20's.

"You are not a par-" She suddenly stopped speaking as she took a look of my face. Oh not again..am I that handsome?

"Are you Seokjin from BTS?" She asked with her eyes widened.

"Yes, I am." I said honestly. She she an Ar-

"OH MY GOD, I AM A REALLY BIG FAN!" She exclaimed as she ran towards me. Yep, she is definitely an Army.

"Oh, I am glad. That you for being an Army." I smiled.

"Can I have your autograph?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. Do you have a pen?" I asked her.

"Yeah...just a second." She took out a pen from her pocket and started unbuttoning her shirt. Wait, what is she doing?!

"U-Urm.." I stammered. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Can you please autograph on my heart?" She smiled.

With that, I cringed to the moon and back. Heart? Seriously?

"S-Sure.." I said hesitantly.

My hands were shaking as I touched her chest, trying my best to not touch anything else. If Hyejin finds out, she will kill me.

I finally signed my autograph onto her chest. I could tell that she was very happy.

"What are you doing here? Are the rest of the BTS here too?" She asked me with anticipation.

"Umm no, they are not." I lied. "Anyways, who are you?" I asked her.

"Oh! My name is Maria and I am the leader of The Snakes. If you don't know what The Snakes are, then don't bother to ask. We are just boring people." She smiled.

Ahh I see...so she is the leader. Alright, so she is the one I have to seduce.

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