Him And His Washroom|5|

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

"Hyung," Jungkook called out. "I miss Jin Hyung." He cried.

"All of us do, Kookie." I replied back.

"It was all my fault, I was so careless back then." Jungkook, on the verge of crying, looked down at his feet.

"No No No Kookie, It wasn't your fault! It was Hoseok's fault too, alright?" I hugged him. "Don't worry, we will find him, okay?" I assured him.

He just nodded. I could feel the wetness of his tears on my shirt. I sighed.

Please be safe, Hyung.

Hyejin's P.O.V.

"Wake up, you lazy lad!" I shouted at him. He flinched a little but he didn't wake up. What is he? A koala bear?

I kicked him merciless on his thighs.

"Aaah!!" He screamed. "Why did you hit me?!" He shouted.

"Do not raise that voice of yours, you potato!" I shouted back at me.

"Hey! Don't call me a potato! It hurts more than your kicks, alright!" He said while putting both of his hands on his chest. So dramatic.

"Oh really? How about I call you a fried potato then? Or a potato sandwich? Or a French fry?." I smirked.

"I hate all of those names! But I don't mind if you call me a French fry." He winked.

I sighed.

"Wake up now." I said with a calm voice.

"What is the time?" He asked me.

"It's 11 in the morning." I said.

"Can I go to the washroom?" He asked me.

"No." I replied back.

"But it's almost 24 hours since you have kidnapped me and I really need to go. Come on, please!" He said. So irritating.

"Ugh fine." I said as I unlocked his handcuffs. "But do not play any kind of dirty tricks on me, understand? I am way stronger than I look." I glared at him.

"I kinda already have the idea of the fact that you are strong." He chuckled. "I can't even count the number of time you have kicked and twisted my wrists."

"You deserve it, alright!" I said as I got up. "Now follow me."

"And what do I deserve it for?" He got up and started walking behind me. "For being honest?" He chuckled.

"Your honest self sucks." I scoffed.

"It's still better than the people who work here at least." He smiled.

I don't have a comeback.

I just kept walking and pretended to have not heard him.

"Do you not have a comeback anymore?" He smirked. "You literally got no jams." He laughed and I glared at him which resulted him to shut up.

After 2 minutes of walk, he finally reached the washroom. Honestly, we need a new interior designer. Why is the washroom so far away from the basement?

"Go inside and do your business, be quick. And do not try to escape. If I catch you, you are good as dead." I glared at him.

"O-Okay." He said and went inside.

Jin's P.O.V.

As soon as I entered the washroom, I started looking for a way to get out. Come on! There has to be some way!

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