Why Was He kidnapped? |2|

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Bang PD's P.O.V.

"Are you sure that you couldn't find him?" Namjoon asked Hoseok.

"No! He was with us but he disappeared after that girl asked us to come with her. She said that there was something wrong with our costumes so she again took our body measurements." Hoseok explained.

"When we reached back to the dressing room, we couldn't find Jin Hyung. We thought that he had gone to the washroom or something but it has already been 3 hours now." Jungkook said.

I sighed.

"You guys WERE in the dressing room." I said. "If there was something wrong with your costumes, then it had to be fixed IN the dressing room. How dumb can you be?" I scolded them and they looked down towards their foot.

While we were still figuring out about where Jin was, the landline rung.

"Namjoon, pick it up." I ordered him and he obeyed.

"Hello?" Namjoon said.

I looked at his face while he was talking on the phone. His expression changed into a terrified one. He hung up the phone soon after I asked him what happened.

"J-Jin Hyung..." Namjoon stammered.

"What??" We all asked him.

He patted his lips with teary eyes.

"It's the Viper's gang."

Hyejin's P.O.V.

"We have informed your company about you." Joseph said while facing towards Jin who was still tied up but was tied up to a pole in the corner of the room. I could clearly make out that Jin was already terrified of us.

"If they tell the police about it, no police officer shall survive. You do know that our gang is the most powerful gang in Korea, don't you?" Joseph smirked.

"Stop boasting around, Joseph." I said dryly.

"And I am your boss. Show some respect, if I weren't here, you wouldn't have been here too." Joseph scolded me and I rolled my eyes.

He sighed.

"You are incharge of Jin." He said dryly.

"What?" I asked him. He better not-

"I said that you are incharge of him. Take care of him. Feed him and entertain him." He said dryly and started walking towards the door.

"Why the fuck shall I entertain him? Didn't we just kidnap him? He should be tortured!" I exclaimed and Joseph stopped walking.

"We shall keep the 'torturing part' for the last. After all, we still need that information from him." He winked at me and left the room.

What the hell?

I sighed and sat on the chair that was placed two metres beside Jin. We didn't speak anything. Huh, poor guy. He must be too terrified to speak anything.

I scoffed and looked towards him.

Obviously, I expected him to be miserable and scared. After all, he had just been kidnapped by the most dangerous gang in Korea which deals with all kinds of illegal stuff.

But what I saw was a Jin whose head was hanging downwards since tied up by the pole and was sleeping very peacefully. Did he just sleep? That too over here?

Anger started rising up in my veins. How does he even have the audacity to sleep in front of me?

I got up from my seat and kicked him merciless on his thighs which resulted in him to flinch and wake up.

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