Him And His Debut |9|

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"I swear to god! Your parents are too easy." Hyejin said while I guided her to her room.

"Hmm.." I hmmed.

"And you know the best part?" She exclaimed. "Your mom and dad didn't even realise that I am from the Viper's."

I didn't reply to her. I still don't like this idea. I don't want to steal in my own house!

We stopped in front of the guest room.

"This will be your room for tonight. My room is right beside yours so if you need anything, call me." I said in a monotone.

"As if you are sleeping tonight, you are coming with me!" She said.

"Yes, Hyejin." I said, keeping my gaze downwards.

I felt her smile breaking down but I didn't look at her. We stayed like that for around a minute in front of her room, without speaking anything. Finally, she broke the silence.

"U-Um...okay.." she stammered. "Then, knock on my door at exact 12 am and then we will play out our mission."

I nodded and left towards my room.

I opened my room and stared at it. All of my old memories are projecting again in my mind after looking at my room.

I smiled.

I exhaustedly jumped on the bed. It sure is soft. I jumped on it again. Hyejin was sitting right here.

I laid down. I have no idea what is going to happen tonight.

I walked towards her room unenthusiastically. Just kill me already.

It's was already 12 am. Actually, I was 15 minutes late because well, who wakes up at 12 in the night for stealing?!

I knocked on her room carefully. Man, she is going to hit me again. I am full 15 minutes late.

She opened the door and revealed herself in a night suit. Where did she get this from? I stared at her night suit dumbfoundedly.

"What are you staring at?" She asked and I pointed on her night suit.

"Oh this?" She exclaimed. "Your mom gave it to me. She said that since I didn't have any clothes, I could use her's." She said. Why eomma? Why are you being this sweet to her?

"Okay." I said in a monotone. "Now shall we go or do you need to change?" I asked her.

"About that.." She looked down. "Our mission has been cancelled. Joseph called me today and said that we shall complete this mission some other day so you can go to sleep." She said and quickly closed the door.

Cancelled? So we won't have to steal?

I scoffed in disbelief. So I was worried for nothing?

I sighed. I was very thankful that Joseph had cancelled the mission. I started walking towards my room.

But why did he cancel the mission out of nowhere?

*The Next Morning*

"Thank you for having me, I had a great time!" Hyejin bowed her head in front of my parents. "I shall leave now." She said.

"Well Woori, we had a wonderful time with you." My dad said.

"Yes," Mom followed. "Do come here again!" She said and we nodded.

We have our good wishes to my parents and left for our car.

"So did you have fun at my house?" I asked her while entering the car.

"Surprisingly, yes." She said. "I can't believe that the man I saw in there was the leader of our gang two decades ago." She scoffed.

"Well, he is a nice man." I said.

She didn't say anything after that. Our journey from my house to the Viper's headquarters was very quiet.

But strangely, I didn't feel anymore awkward with her.

Suddenly, she broke the silence.

"It has become hotter in Seoul nowadays." She said as she increased the intensity of the air conditioner.

"Hmm." I hmmed. Oh wait!

"STOP THE CAR!" I jumped and exclaimed which resulted Hyejin to press the breaks very aggressively.

"WHY?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" She exclaimed back.

"What is the date today?!" I asked her.

"Huh? Is this why you made me stop my car?! We could have fucking die—" I cut her off.


She showed me a look of disbelief.

Hyejin's P.O.V.

What the hell? I have never seen him like this! It's kind of scary...

I opened my phone and checked the date.

"It's 19th April, 2013. Why do you ask?" I asked him.

"Shit..." He said as he held his head and started hitting it.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked him but he kept hitting his head.

"Want me to help?" I asked him. I would gladly kick your hea-

"Today was supposed to be our debut." He said and I froze.

"D-Debut?" I stammered.

"Yes...it was my dream. With all the kiosk going on, I didn't even realise the dates." He said as I saw his rubbed his eyes. Is he crying?

"Umm.." I didn't say anything. I don't know what to say.."Haven't they like, already shot the music video of whatever you guys are performing?" I asked him.

"They have but now they won't release it for sure since I am kidnapped by The Viper's now. They wouldn't want any scandles." He sighed. "I don't know whether the Bighit Entertainment will accept me again. Already I had left SM for Bighit and now, everything is messed up.." He said while sniffing.

"Wait," my eyes widened up. "You were a trainee in The SM Entertainment?!" I exclaimed.

He just nodded. I never knew..

He shrugged himself off and sat straight on the car seat. Should I say something? What should I say?

"What's wrong?" He asked me. "Why aren't you driving?"

So you are just going to pretend that nothing happened?

"N-Nothing." I said as I started driving again.

I kept looking at him from time to time but he looked different today.

He looked disappointed.

I sighed.

Why the hell do I feel guilty again?

Bang PD's P.O.V.

"I know that you all were supposed to debut today, but please have a little patience." I said. "The Viper's gang is very dangerous. If you all debut and The Viper's hold up some scam, this entire company can fall apart. And then Jin's life is also at risk." I said.

"PD nim, do you really think that this is what we are concerned about?!" Suga exclaimed.

"We just want Hyung to be safe, PD nim." V replied.

"We know that we will debut sooner or later but Hyung's life is more important right now." J Hope said.

"Whoa," I exclaimed. "I didn't expect to y'all to be this supportive."

"PD nim," RM said. "We know that you are worried. We are worried too..so let us be strong!"

I nodded. I casted some good fellows.

"Yes, fighting!"

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