She Saves |21|

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"Listen, Jin." Joseph said. "The leader of The Snakes is a hardcore Army. You will have to seduce her so that all of her attention shifts towards you from her mission. Alright?" He said.

"I hate this idea." Hyejin rolled her eyes.

"This isn't about you, Hyejin." Joseph scolded her. "You have to ask to take you to the ground floor washroom. And make sure that she has sent all of her gaurds outside the building." He said.

"This is tricky." Suga said.

"Well, can you do it?" Joseph asked me.

"I am pretty handsome. So I think that I can do it." I said while nodding my head.

"Good deed! Become a Bad Gentleman out there, alright?" Joseph exclaimed.


"Oh My God! I can't believe I am showing Kim Seokjin from BTS the way to washroom!" Maria exclaimed.

"'s true though." I gave her a small smile. Is she really a leader? She doesn't look like one.

"C-Can I call you oppa?" She asked while blushing.

"Sure, Seokjin oppa would be cute." I smiled. How would it sound if Hyejin calls me oppa?

We were walking towards the washroom because that was our plan. We go to the washroom, I seduce her, I press the button and everyone gets out from the locker. But I stopped walking as I suddenly saw a gaurd from The Snakes running after another man in front of me.

"Hey, who are them?" I asked her while pretending to know nothing about this whole kiosk.

"O-Oh...that's...N-Nothing." She stammered. "Just a second." She said as she took out her phone.

"Hey! I want you all to stop everything you are doing right now and go wait inside our car on the main exit." She whispered through the phone.

"Why you ask? Because I said so!" She whishper-shouted.

She really is an hardcore Army.

After her call, she kept her phone back in the pocket.

"Though I am wondering," She said. "What are you doing in such a place?" She asked me. "I mean, look at here. It's all demolished." She chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I got lost." I said. "I was supposed to go somewhere else but I apparently forgot the way and ended up here." I said. Thank god, Joseph had already told me a good excuse to fake.

"Ah..I see." She said.

"But I could ask the same to you, you know." I said.

"O-Oh...actually.." She stammered. "It's the same with me. I got lost too." She said. If you were lost, how do you know the way to the washroom, genius?

After a few steps and talks, we finally reached to the washroom.

"Here it is." She said.

"Would you like to accompany me?" I smiled at her.

Her face blushed to the darkest red possible.

"H-Huh?" She stammered.

"Ahh..actually, I don't want to go in there alone, you know." I winked at her. It's not even fun to tease her, I miss Hyejin.

"U-Um....S-Sure w-why no-not." She stammered.

I smirked and led the way.

" you have a boyfriend?" I asked her as we stood in the middle of the washroom, face to face. Hah! The classic pick up line!

"Huh? Urm...N-No, I don't." She said as she averted her eyes.

"I see." I moved closer towards her. "You know, you are really pretty." I said in a husky tone which made her go crazy. It's time.

I put my hand inside my back pocket and pressed the button. They shall be here any time now.

"Wh-What? Se-seriously?" She stammered again which a face redder and brighter than a tomato.

"Yeah, as soon as I saw you, the first thing I noticed was how sexy those legs of yours were." I smirked at her.

There was an approximately 4 to 5 inch gap between our faces. They better come fast, I can't keep doing this.

"O-Oh...I never realised that you thought that I was sexy." She averted her eyes.

"Babe, you are a lot more than 'just sexy'." I winked at her.

"Oppa.." She looked at my lips. Damn it, she is going to kiss me.

Her face started moving closer towards me. I could feel her warm breath on me.

Please come fast! Hyejin, Joseph, please come fast!


The door shot opened revealing my beloved team mates, Joseph and my sweetheart Hyejin.

All of them except Joseph had an antonished look on their face.

"What?" Maria looked at them in disbelief, but then looked at me.

"Your game's finished, Maria." Joseph smirked but soon his smirk vanished away.

"You are not-" Hyejin got cut off by another feminine voice.

"Maria?" Someone said. I quickly moved away from Maria, or who I thought was Maria.

This voice was much deeper and scarier, but it wasn't the girl who was in front of me.

"Oh ho ho ho, what did you think? You really think that I would become such an easy bait?" Someone laughed.

All of us turned towards the voice.

We encountered a woman who was wearing leather pants, heavy make up, was tall and looked as if she was in her early 30's.

"Madam.." The Maria in front of me softly said. MADAM?! WHO?!?!

"Madelyn, you should be more focused on your work. I am disappointed." She narrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the woman who was infront of me.

"I-I am sorry madam." The woman infront of me said. So her name is Madelyn? She lied.

"You know what my policies are, honey." The tall woman smirked and pulled out a gun from her jacket. Wait, N-


I heard a sharp sound. Soon, I had realised that the tall lady had shot the lady in front of me. I am not even sure with the names anymore now.

All of the people in the room were shocked. I almost felt like crying. This is not how a girl should be treated, no matter what she does!

"Aahhh!" All of the BTS members screamed in shock. J-Hope almost fell down because of shock but held up to Jungkook.

"Are you crazy?!" Joseph shouted at her.

"Why the hell did you do that Maria?!?!" Hyejin shouted at Maria. So she is the real Maria.

"What? Do you really think that I would be this careless to ask all of my gaurds to leave and walk into a washroom with a narcissist alone?" Maria showed me a disgusted look.

"Hey! I am not a narcissist! I just love myself, alright? You should love yourself too!" I exclaimed at her.

"Don't tell me what to do, jackass." She glared at me as she pointed her gun towards me. "You deserve to go to hell for making me kill my assistant. Now I will have to find a new one."

She smirked. Am I going to die now?

My eyes widened up as I noticed her fingers pull the trigger.


As soon as I heard the gun shot, I shut closed my eyes. But I didn't feel the pain. So the bullet doesn't hurt or what?

I opened my eyes slowly.

But as soon as I opened them, I regretted it. My heart became heavier and my tears automatically started gliding out of my eyes.


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