Her Fake Excuse |18|

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Jin's P.O.V.

After having a total pack of dissatisfaction from my team members, I finally decided to go to my own room.

"Bye, Hyung! Don't be dirty!" All of them exclaimed as I left their room.

I was walking down the corridor, casually. Though I am kidnapped, I sure have noticed that these people give me a hell lot of freedom in here.

I, finally had reached to my room after a 5 minutes walk. It sure is a big quarters.

I opened the door of my room and entered it only to encounter a sleeping Hyejin peacefully on the mattress. I chuckled and went towards it.

Why am I getting a deja vu?

I ignored it and looked at her.

She looks a hell lot cuter when her eyebrows are not narrowed.

"Hyejin, wake up." I said as I patted her shoulder lightly.

"Hmmm~Eomma 2 minutes moree~" Hyejin whined and I chuckled. She still dreams about her mom.

"It's me, Jin." I said softly.

"Urmm...Jin." She smiled in her sleep but shot opened her eyes after 2 seconds.

"Jin?!" She exclaimed and held her head. "Oww, it hurts!" She whined.

"Obviously, it will hurt! You should wake up like that!" I scolded her and she pouted.

"Are you done meeting with your friends?" She asked me.

"Yeah, we had a fun time." I said as I forced a smile on my face.

"Good haaahhh." She yawned. "Anyways, what is the time right now?" She asked me.

"It's 4 pm, why do you ask?" I asked her.

"I have gotta call your Bang Shi Hyuk and inform him about BTS." She said and I froze.

"W-Why have you gotta tell him? C-Can't there be another way?" I stammered. If he finds out, we are all good as dead.

"Aww..are you scared, princess?" She awed and I shot her a glare.

She chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't tell him about BTS."

My eyes widened up.

"You are going to lie to him for me?" I asked her and she narrowed her eyes.

"You don't want me to? Alri-" I cut her off.

"No No! Please, lie to him!" I pleaded and she chuckled.

Bang PD's P.O.V

I was having a very nice time with me and my wife at our house. Ahh, Sunday evenings are the best!

Suddenly, the phone rang.

"Can you please go check the phone?" My wife asked me to and I nodded.

I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Bang Shi Hyuk?" A man, rather with a weird feminine voice, said.

"Yes, how may I help you?" I said.

"Yeah, I am Jeon Jungkook's lawyer. I just wanted to let you know that Jungkook's mom is having another baby with her husband so BTS shall be taking a week's holiday. Thank you for giving me your time." The man with feminine voice said and hung up the phone, leaving me all dumbfounded.


How is this possible?

Why did a lawyer call me for this?

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