A Day At His House |8|

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"GIRLFRIEND!!" Jin's dad exclaimed. "My son has a girlfriend?! OH MY GOD, THIS IS BIG!!"

I chuckled at his silliness.

"Dad," Jin said with an embarrassed face. "Please keep it low." He said softly.

"Of course, son!" His dad finally calmed down. "Sorry, I just became a little too happy."

"Ah, it's okay sir." I smiled.

"Sir? No No No No," he denied. "Call me appa."

"A-Appa?" My eyes widened up.


"A-APPA!!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

"I am sorry, my Hyejin." He showed me a face full of regret and sadness.

End of Flashback

"Woori?" Jin shook me.

"Woori?" I asked. Oh wait! "Oh Y-Yeah! I am Woori, I am sorry." I apologised and his father chuckled.

"It's okay, dear." He said. "Anyways, have dinner with us tonight?" He asked me.

"Yeah that's a great idea!" Jin exclaimed.

"I-I don't know.." I hesitated.

"Say yes!" Both of them exclaimed in unison.

I gave them a hesitatant smile.

"O-Okay." I said.

"Our plan is working fine till now." I said to Jin while walking with him towards his room. "Your dad seems to like me."

Dinner still had an hour so Jin decided to show me a tour of his house, which I didn't object. It's better if I see what all there is in his house. It might be helpful in the future.

"Yeah, our plan sure is working but.." Jin took a pause. "Hyejin, I don't want to do this." He stopped walking and looked at me with sad eyes.

I didn't say anything but just looked back at him.

"If my dad has hidden those documents, then it is for a good cause. I believe in him a lot, Hyejin." He said.

Believe? Sure.

"Just start walking already." I said as I started walking in front of him, totally ignoring him. I heard him sigh and began walking too.

We soon reached at his room. When he opened it, I was in shock. I entered his room with hesitation.

"You rich brat! How luxurious life have you lived?!" I exclaimed.

"This has been my life since the day I was born." He said, nonchalantly.

This explains why he didn't want to sit in the cardboard box.

I rolled my eyes as I sat on his bed. But wait, it's so soft!

I jumped again on it.

"Dude! It's so soft!" I exclaimed as I kept jumping on it.

"Keep jumping on it, I like the view." He chuckled as he looked at my chest.

I got off the bed and punched Jin on his chest hardly.

"I told you to not flirt with me, I am not your real girlfriend!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"Yes, I know." He laughed.

Stupid, idiot, asshole,...I cursed him with all the words I knew from the curse kingdom.

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