Is She A Lesbian? |11|

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It sure has been two days now since he has been kidnapped in my basement. He also missed his debut because of me. And I had the opportunity of stealing the documents too, my real intention.

But, why am I not doing anything?!

I was interrupted while thinking as Jin was whining like a small kid.

"Hyejin! Please open me up! Pleaseee." Jin whined.

I can't even pretend to ignore this guy, he is just too annoying.

After eating my dinner, I opened him so that he could eat his dinner.

"Aishh, it was so tiring!" Jin exclaimed as he stretched his hands and legs.

"It could have been less tiring if you'd be quiet." I replied in a monotone.

"Say," Jin said. "Was that midget cute? Because we have a midget in our team too. His name is-" Jin was cut off by me.

"Park Jimin and no, he wasn't cute. He was even smaller than Jimin. That midget was legit 1 inch taller than me." I replied.

"Whoa! 1 inch?!" He choked on his food. "Now if I look at you, you are quite small." Jin said and I glared at him.

"I am not small! I am 159 cms! It's perfect for a Korean girl like me!" I hissed at him and he began to chuckle.

"You are pretty cute too when you hiss at me like that." He started to laugh.

Is this like like never scared of me?

I rolled my eyes at him. I am just too tired to argue with him now.

"Hey! Can I ask you a science question?" He asked me.

"Sure, go ahead." I said.

"Do you know why Peter Pan keeps flying?" He asked me.

"No?" I said.

"Because he Neverlands." He said and started laughing. Okay, what?

A small chuckle left my mouth.

"Alright, that one was okayish. Are you famous for your lame jokes?" I asked him.

"Yes, but only with my team members. Nobody knows about it yet." He replied.

"Ah, I see. This is why I didn't know about it even though I did research." I said.

He ate his dinner and kept his plate on the counter.

"To be honest, I don't like the cook of this headquarters." He said while sitting back at his original place.

"Right!" I instantly related to him. "The food here is disgusting!" I exclaimed.

"I agree. I would like to taste your cooking though. Remember when you said that your hobby was cooking? Since then, I can't stop thinking about how your cooking must be like." He said.


"Soo.....How is it??" I asked my best friend, Hana.

"'s amazing Hyejin! You should definitely consider cooking as a career!" She exclaimed.

End of Flashback

"'s not that great." I averted my eyes.

"Sure, lie all you wanna." Jin scoffed while smiling and my eyes widened up.

" Jin scoffed while smiling and my eyes widened up

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