Her Vulnerable Side |12|

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Hyejin's P.O.V.

"I am afraid that you are perfectly fine, Ms. Min." Dr. Kang said. "You don't even fall ill that often, what kind of symptoms do you have?" He asked me.

"Umm...I don't know.." I replied honestly. "Uneasiness and urm..stress, maybe? And urm...you know..pain and weird feeling in my lower region of the stomach..you know that puberty feeling? That one..." I said while blushing.

"Ahh, we have medicines for that! Just a second." He said as he got up from his seat and I cheered up. Thank God that he has medicines!

He came back with a couple of tablets in his hand.

"Here." He handed me the tablet. "This is very common in women, eat this and go to sleep. Do not eat anything cold or else your uterus will hurt even more. Do not ever eat cold temperatured food during your period, it's just going to make the cramps worse." He smiled.

Period? Who? What?

"DR. KANG, I AM NOT ON MY PERIOD!" I shouted at him. "I just don't feel good, okay?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh okay. So like it's 2 am in the morning right now, you wake me up from my sleep, I give you medicines for your cure and this is what I get? You really have no mercy, Ms. Min." Dr. Kang rolled his eyes.

I sighed. He is of no use.

"Thanks for the tablets." I said nonchalantly and left the medical room.

What am I supposed to do now?

I started walking towards my room but I stopped walking as I saw Joseph walking outside of Jin's room.

I don't have a good feeling about this, why was Joseph in Jin's room?

"Hey, Jo!" I shouted to grab his attention and I did.

He started walking towards me.

"Yea?" He asked me.

"What were you doing in Jin's room?" I asked him and he scoffed.

"I had just gone to check on his randomly but turns out that your guy was awake. We talked for a little and then I said 'bye'." He replied to me with a poker face.

"Did you guys fight?" I asked him in a suspicious tone.

"He is mean, alright?" He whined. Whoa, Jin and mean?


"And...yeah, a little b-but he was asking me about Kyungsoo! What was I supposed to do?!" He said and my eyes widened up.

"You didn't tell him, did you?" I asked him.

"Of course not! Dude, not respect since I am your senior but at least have a little faith in me!" He whined and I sighed in relief.

"I'll go check up on him." I said.

"Sure, do whatever you wanna do. I am going to sleep with my babes now. It's been so freaking long since we-" I cut him off.

"Do not complete that sentence." I said strictly and went straight towards Jin's room.

I opened the door slowly and encountered a sleeping Jin on the matteress, cuddled up in the blankets I gave him.

I opened the door slowly and encountered a sleeping Jin on the matteress, cuddled up in the blankets I gave him

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