She Finally Trusts Him |13|

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It was a cold night and the wind made it colder. All they were wearing were very thin layered of clothes since obviously, they didn't expect to come out and stand on the terrace in the middle of a cold night.

The only thing that was warm was their hearts and the kiss they were having.

Working with proper rhythm, they kissed as if it was their first and the last time.

Hyejin held Jin's shirt and Jin caressed Hyejin's cheek while they had their moment of one possible thing, which was love.


"Pl-Please don't! It feels disgusting!" Hyejin shouted but she was helpless since her hands were tied to the pole.

"Aww babe, you don't like my kisses? Well guess what, you are going to get some more in various places." He winked at her.

End of Flashback

Jin felt a warm and wet sensation on his cheek which was pressed against Hyejin's soft skin.

When he broke the kiss, he saw that Hyejin's eyes were closed and her tears were still streaming down to her cheeks. This broke his heart.

Hyejin kept her eyes close in the hope of her tears to stop, but they didn't.

"Hyejin," Jin looked at her with awe. "Please, tell me about it so that we can make it right." He pleaded.

Hyejin shook her head.

"For now, please just make me feel safe." Hyejin buried her face into Jin's chest. "I am afraid, Jin. I am tired of pretending to be strong." Hyejin mumbled slowly.

Jin couldn't help but become emotional. He had never seen her in such a state and looking at her like this, he just wanted to shove all of her worries into the Mariana Trench.

"Shh..." Jin patted her head. "It's okay to be scared, Hyejin." He hugged her tightly.

They stayed like this for a while.

"I am tired." Hyejin mumbled into him chest and Jin understood.

Jin carried her effortlessly in bridal style and went back to his room.

Jin finally felt like a man in The Viper's Headquarters. Since he had come here, it was either Hyejin beating him up or Joseph. Now, it was Hyejin who was lying down in his arms while Jin carried her as if she was his new bride. This was a great moment.

Whereas Hyejin,

She was finally depending on someone.

Jin laid Hyejin down on the matteress and got up but Hyejin held the hem of his shirt.

"Stay here." Hyejin said and Jin smiled.

"Who said I was going? You don't want me to close the door?" Jin stated and Hyejin let go of Jin's shirt in embarrassment.

Jin quickly closed the door, basically locked it so that nobody would be able to see her like this.

Jin stuffed himself again inside the blanket and looked at Hyejin whose eyes were close.

"Hyejin." Jin called her out in an assuring tone.

When Hyejin opened her eyes, Jin saw that her eyes were entirely red and teary.

"Hmm?" Hyejin hmmed while looking anywhere at anything but Jin.

"Are you sad?" He asked her.

Hyejin shook her head.

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