Do Not Underestimate Her |19|

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"Hyejin, the Snakes have attacked onto our headquarters." He said while looking at Hyejin.

"What?" Hyejin asked Joseph in a disbelief.

"Yes, it's true. Those spams were from The Snakes." Joseph said.

"No way! When did this happen?!" Hyejin exclaimed.

"I'll tell you that later, let's just run for now!" Joseph said. "Everyone! Follow me if you want to live!" Joseph exclaimed.

BTS were confused.

What is going on? Are we going to die?! BTS thought as they followed Joseph without any hesitation.

Jin's P.O.V.

I have never seen Hyejin like this. It's like she is scared and panicked.

All of us followed the lead of Hyejin and Joseph as they ran.

We finally reached in front of a big, very big locker. Joseph quickly entered in the password and the door automatically opened.

Whoa, a secret door!

"Get in, all of you!" He ordered and all of the BTS members including me and Hyejin entered it.

"Joseph.." Hyejin gave Joseph a worried look.

"I will be fine, trust me." He smiled at Hyejin. What are they? A couple?

"No, its not that..I just don't want to babysit this stupid group alone." Hyejin whined and Joseph's smile dropped. Haha, in your face! And who is stupid?

"You fat ass, I'll be back soon to kill you." Joseph hissed and shut the door.

Hyejin sighed in exhaustion as she sat down on the floor. Everybody including me looked at her dumbfoundedly.

She gave us a death glare.

"What?" She asked.

"N-Nothing", "No, Nothing.", "Urmm..". We all replied.

"Why are we locked up in here?" Suga asked her without any hesitation which gave me goosebumps.

Hyejin glared at Suga for a moment but then sighed.

"The Snakes, they are an underground gang just like us. A little less successful from us though." She said. "They hate us and we hate them. Things were still normal though unless Kyungsoo, the former leader of  The Snakes got murdered by the former leader of our gang. Since then, the things have not been too kind with the both of us." She explained.

"Yeah, you did tell me that Daniel had killed Kyungsoo." I instantly replied.

"Who is Daniel?" J-Hope asked.

"A jerk I had the hots for." Hyejin said with a poker face.

My gaze automatically shifted towards Suga who was now smirking at Jimin. Jimin glared at him again. Looks like they really are telepathing.

"But it was all started by The Snakes. They killed our 6 agents while a mission! That is why Daniel had to eliminate Kyungsoo so that he wouldn't murder anymore of our agents. I can't believe that they would come at us again! And since Eric became our new leader, things have become even worse now." Hyejin cried.

"Aww.." I felt sympathic for her as I side-hugged her. "It's going to be alright, Hyejin." I said in a calming voice.

Hyejin gave out a small chuckle.

"Thanks." She replied while smiling.

We didn't even realise that BTS were staring at us dumbfoundedly.

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