My Life Story

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My name is Y/N, and my life has not been the best. My dad left a month after I was born, and we had problems with him paying child support so much, we gave up when I was age 10. I'm 21 now, and still live with my mom. I was never able to go to the Art School I wanted, or any college at that, but we never really had a lot of money. Although, I have a friend of mine that has let me move in with her. Her name is Lizzy, and she's the opposite of what I am; an extrovert, as I am an introvert. I always like to stay home and draw, listen to music, or whatever I wanted. She however, would rather go out and meet cute boys.

Though, there is this one guy I met...we have been dating for about a year or so, but he's been acting weird lately. He's impatient, and I've just grown to deal with it.

My mom was working most of my life, so we never really hung out much. She worked at least 2-3 jobs, all with a different pay so she could put food on the table. Sometimes though, she would get so distraught, she would drink and she would get really mad with me. I would barely do anything, but I knew when she was drunk, so I would avoid her when she was.

At age 13, things started rolling down the hill real quick. I was made fun of a lot, and beat up for some pretty dumb reasons. I remember one day, walking in the hallways, leaving my class quickly to use the bathroom, and someone just randomly pushed me down and made me fall on my face. The floor was hard concrete, so it didn't feel too good. I broke my nose. They saw I was down, and I knew who it was. It was a bully that always made fun of me, ever since 2nd grade; her name was Elizabeth. She had an entourage that would beat me up when I left school, and when they got the chance, when I was in school. Of coarse she was the principal's daughter, so that didn't help much.

One day, I had enough of her bulls***. In lunch, she tripped me, and made me fall into my lunch tray. I got angry at her, because earlier that morning, she had already punched me in the face, giving me a black eye. I went to the nurse, and she gave me an ice pack. We had a conversation that made me stand up for myself in lunch that day.

"Y/N," she said.

"Yeah?" I answered, holding the ice pack on my eye.

"The same girl does this crap to you everyday. You've gotta stand up for yourself."

"I know, but I don't know how."

"Well if they push and punch you like this, do the same to them." She said. "If they don't respect you enough to be nice to you, then you don't be nice to them."

"Your right." I stood up and grabbed my books. "I'll keep that in mind when something happens later today." I left the nurses office.

Fast forward to lunch when I fell into my food. I looked up at Elizabeth, who was laughing at me with her entourage at her table. Luckily, she always sat on the end, so I quickly thought of what I would do to get her back. All of a sudden I stood up, and ran to her. I played on the floor hockey team that year-and for a couple years more-and tackeled her, knocking her onto the floor. Her entourage watched in shock as I sat on her chest, punching her in the face. Her eyes and cheeks turned black and blue, with bits of red, signalling me that she was bleeding. I saw the blood leak out of her nose, and I even think I broke it.

I felt hands on my shoulders pull me up as I still swung my fists at Elizabeth. I stretched my arms out as I was carried away from her, and the handfull of my friends at the table I was gonna sit at. I saw her mom-or the principal-run over to her, to see if she was okay. I was put in the office, and sat there with a teacher watching me. I waited for the principal.

Maybe about 15 minutes later, she finally walked in. "Hello Y/N." She said to me with a stern look on her face.

"Hello Mrs. Murray." I said, looking down at my feet. She sat at her desk, and I faced her.

"Now what on Earth would give you the right to attack my daughter?" She said.

I stayed silent.

"Darling, if you don't answer me, I'm gonna have to bring in Elizabeth. She was crying horribly when I was in the cafeteria."

"Your daughter tripped me on purpose, and I fell into my lunch." I picked a piece of lettuce out of my dyed hair. I had dyed it with strips of green, inspired by my favourite person on the internet; Jacksepticeye. I even remember dying it with strips of red, inspired by Markiplier.

"I seriously doubt my daughter tripped you. She couldn't have been near you."

"I was on my way to my table, and she stuck her leg out in front of me!" I raised my voice.

"I'm sorry dear, but I'm gonna have to call your mother." She picked up the phone, and started dialing.

Cause that'll work...I thought. She's probably drunk. I could hear my mom over the phone.

"Yellow?" She said. She slurred her words. Yup, she's drunk.

"Hello, Mrs. L/N?"

"That's me."

"Yes, your daughter hear had gotten into a physical fight with my daughter."

"She has?"

"Yes, and I'd like you to come pick her up please."

"I don't think that's a good idea!" I protested, but the principal hushed me.

"Nope..." My mom said. "Nope, she's right. It's not a good idea. Let her finish up the school day. Let her continue going to school. Don't expel her from school. Keep her in school."

"If you insist." The principal said as she hung up.

"Fine. You are not expelled, but I do not want to see this behaviour anymore missy. Especially not with my daughter."

"But-" she cut me off.

"No 'buts', just go to class. It's 6th period." She shood me away, and I got up and left.

Later that day after school when I got home, I was extremely frustrated, and distraught, and angry. The only people that believed me were my friends, because they saw what happened. I couldn't tell my mom either. Once I was home, she was passed out on the couch with Twilight playing on the TV. My mom hated those movies. I looked on the floor next to her, and saw a bottle of wine, and another bottle of whiskey that was almost gone. The wine was completely empty, and a glass lay next to it. I picked them up, and brought them into the kitchen. I poured the rest of the whiskey into the sink, along with another bottle of wine or 2.

As I was in the kitchen, I looked in the drawer. I couldn't believe what I was doing, but I just wanted to try it out. I know it sounds weird, but I did. I grabbed a knife from the drawer, and ran upstairs. I went into the bathroom, and locked the door.

I put the seat down on the toilet, and sat down. I took off my backpack, sweatshirt, and rolled up my sleeve. I looked at the knife, then back at my wrist. Was I really about to cut my wrist? Sadly...yes. I couldn't take it. That day was the worst day of my life. I saw blood rush out of my arm. I breathed in through my teeth from the pain. I regretted my choice. I grabbed a washcloth from the dresser, and wet it with warm water. I put it on my wrist, and set down the knife. I thought I heard a quiet and muffled sound in my mind, but didn't think anything of it. I ran to my room, locking my door. I jumped onto the bed, crying my eyes out of their sockets.

Fast forward even more to right now. I didn't cut my wrists...a lot anyways. I did once in a great while, but that was only when a day was worse than that one. I lived with my best friend Lizzy, and even though we were polar opposites, we hung out a lot.

Although, today was one of those days where she dragged me to a party, practically against my will. She said that my boyfriend, James, would be there, and she thought I needed a night out. I gave in, and she drove me to the party.

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