Make Me Believe Again

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I slowly opened my eyes and saw the blankets and the rest of the room in shambles. All of the blankets, except for a single sheet that me and Anti were both covered with, lay on the floor with our clothes. I sat up and felt a headache start to pound, along with my heart. I loved last night...and had a weird craving for more. I brushed off the feeling for now, and got up out of bed. I left the sheet on the bed for Anti, and covered him up with a blanket. He tucked it up under his chin immediately.

You're so adorable. I thought and smiled. I grabbed a nightgown from his closet, and threw it on. I went downstairs to make a small breakfast for the both of us.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of bowls and spoons. I grabbed a box of cereal out of the cupboard and started pouring it into the bowls.

As I was putting the box back in the cupboard, I felt arms wrap around my waist, and I felt lips start to kiss my neck. I smirked, and knew it was Anti. I brought back the craving. I closed my eyes as I took his hands out from around me and pinned him to a different part of the counter. I roughly kissed him and heard a giggle from him.

But...the giggle didn't sound like his. Anti's giggle was more high pitched, but still had a deep tone to it. The one I heard sounded deep and sinister. I opened my eyes.

"There's the kiss I wanted..." Said a man with red hair that hung in front of his face.

I looked down and saw him in a gray suit that was a little messed up now from me pinning him to the counter. I let go of his hands and backed away quickly. I tried to run upstairs to Anti but before I could run up them, my arm was grabbed and I was pulled back down, and threw onto the floor. I looked up with sheer horror as Dark loomed over me.

"You're gonna learn to love me. You're gonna learn to obey me. You're gonna learn to do many things for me...some you may already know." He smirked, and winked.

"Get the f*** away from me!!" I yelled, trying to make Anti wake up. Dark lunged at me and put a handkerchief over my mouth.

"Shhhh...stay quiet, or the bad man will come down and interrupt us." He whispered. My eyes started tearing up.

He's not a bad man. I thought as I held my breath. He's everything but that. He is the most handsome, kind, and caring man in the world.

Ďöñţ ęvêř ţałk abøűť him in frœñť of më!!! Dark commanded in my mind. He slapped me.

"Just breathe darling." He said.

I had no choice but to breathe. I took a deep breath in, and my lungs filled with chloroform. My eyelids got heavier and started falling. My hearing started muffling and a tear left my eye.

I love you Anti...I thought before I drifted into unconsciousness.


I woke up in a dimly lit room that I could tell was not Anti's house. I looked around and adjusted my sight by blinking a few times. In front of me was a table covered with a black table cloth. It had a candle in the middle of it, and right in front of me and at the other end, sat a plate, napkin, wine glass, and eating utensils. I tried to get up from the chair I sat in, but I was tied to it. I struggled and struggled until I felt a burning sensation on my wrist; rope burn. I couldn't do anything. I was hopeless. I looked around the room more.

On the other side of the room was a table with a few knives on it. Along with a whip, chains, and a blindfold.

What the f*** is this? I thought to myself. 50 Shades of Grey? The door ahead of me then opened slowly.

"If you want it to be, then yes. If not, they'll serve a different purpose." Dark said as he fixed his suit, and locked the door behind him. He came over and sat across from me with something in his hand. I tried to struggle more, but to no avail.

"Oh darling," Dark said as he put a bottle of wine on the table. "Don't be scared of me. I just want some quality time with you." He filled his glass with red wine. He took mine and filled it as well.

"Leave me..." I said quietly.

He slammed down the bottle of wine, and I jumped. "What was that?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Leave me alone!" I said louder with tears filling my eyes.

"Just work with me, and you'll be able to go back." He lied. I knew how he worked, as James was the same. He'd treat me well for a while, and when I wanted something other than what he wanted, my life would be in jeopardy right then and there. They were like one in the same; they loved me and wanted to f*** me one moment, and the next they're hitting me and abusing me like the a**holes they are.

"I'm not lying." He said. He snapped his fingers and a small steak appeared on each of our plates. I felt my hands be freed, but I couldn't move my feet at all. I reluctantly picked up the fork and picked at my food. I didn't eat it.

"Babe, don't starve yourself. Eat!" He commanded.

"I-I'm not hungry..." I sighed.

"Whatever." He said. James didn't care if I ate or not either.

When he was finished with his food, mine was cold and not appetizing. I didn't want to eat. I wanted to cuddle with Anti on the couch. I sat in the chair looking down, thinking about him when I didn't even realize it. Dark popped out of his chair and came over behind me. I struggled.

"We're ending this s***, now!" He said as he untied me from the chair. He put a collar on me, and attached a leash to it. He tied my hands together. I struggled more as he dragged me out of the room and down the hallway. It was not Anti's house.

"Where the f*** are you taking me!?" I yelled.

"You'll see." He smirked.

He opened a door and dragged me into a another dimly lit room with only one thing in it; a bed. It had dark red and black sheets on it. The carpet was black and the curtains were black and insulated the light from coming in. Dark threw me into the bed and tied my 4 limbs to each corner of the bed. I still wore the nightgown that I put on what I guessed was this morning.

Once Dark finished tying me to the bed, I sat there in horror as he started taking off his suit.

Don't do this....please...I beg of you. I thought. I didn't bare open my mouth.

He crawled on top of me once he had nothing on but his boxers. "I'm doing this for us." He whispered as he started kissing my neck. I tried to close up my sweet spot that was covered in hickies and obvious on where it was. He put his hand on my forehead and pushed my head back and started kissing it. I bit my tounge to make sure I didn't give him the satisfaction he craved.

He bit harder. "Moan in my ear darling."

"N-never...." I said as I held one back. He kept biting and kissing my neck until I accidentally let out a small, quiet moan. He giggled and started tying my nightgown.

"Thank you babe!" He said as he threw off my nightgown. I forgot that I didn't put any clothes on underneath it, so I was completely naked underneath it. I was hopeless. He bit his lip.

"You made it easy..." He said before he took off his boxers and I started crying.

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