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I woke up in a bit of pain. It wasn't crucial obviously, but my nose was uncomfortable. And it felt like a bee was stinging my neck. I sat up and felt liquid slide down my lip. I wiped it off, and it was the blood of the demons; black. I looked at the couch and noticed an empty syringe. I laughed at their stupidity.

"Someone forgot to clean up after themselves..." I said.

I picked it up and threw it in the trash. I didn't have any of the substance I stole from Madpat, so their was no use for it. I heard a crash in the kitchen.

"Who the f*** was that?" I yelled. I got up, and walked towards the kitchen to see an unexpected visitor.

"You'd think you'd save some alcohol for your creator, but no." Hades said.

"Sir...w-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"There's been reports from my many helpers back home. Reports that all include something that has to do with you." Hades explained.

"Sir, I'm afraid I don't understand. I haven't been doing anything." I lied.

"Really? Then where's the human I assigned you from birth? That Mark Fischbach or whatever his name is." I knew I was f***ed.

"Well, I have better things to do, so I don't spend all my time with him."

"Yes, but at least I can trust Anti to be responsible when he leaves Sean. You, on the other hand, I have suspicions." He tilted his head.

"Sir, I promise, whatever you're hearing, it's not true."

"It better not be, because if I get another one, you're suspended for a year."

"I promise sir. Everything will be fine." Hades left, and I was then left with my own thoughts.

I need to get her back. I thought. Wether I get caught or not, she ain't getting away from me that easy.

It was worth the risk. I needed Y/N back. I don't know why, but there's just something about her. I can't really explain it, but she had something that I loved, but I didn't know what that something was. I got my keys and drove to Anti's house. I'm willing to fight that a**hole for Y/N. No matter what it takes.

(Time skip to when he pulls up)

I pulled into their driveway as slow as I could. I saw them both through the window and quickly got out of the car before they could see me. I went underneath the window, and looked inside.

"You've gotta be f***ing kidding me..." I whispered to myself.

They were on the couch getting busy. How did he make her forget everything that happened? I used the rest of my supply on that b****. And I doubt it will be as easy as it was before when I snuck in and stole it. Madpat probably put top-notch security in his lab after he found out. Anti and Y/N are both gonna pay. I'm taking Y/N back for myself, and Anti's gonna stay in the corner and not do s***. I knocked on the front door, and jumped onto the roof. I saw Anti open the door below me and look around. He was clueless, as usual.

"Well what the f***!?" He exclaimed. "There's a car other than ours in the driveway, but no one's at the door."

"That's what you think..." I said. I then jumped down from above the door. I saw Y/N get up from the couch, and hide in the kitchen. That won't work out for her in the end.

Before he could utter a word, I tackled him to the ground and repeatedly punched him. He tried to get up but he was weak.

"Get the f*** off me you a**hole!" He spat.

"Not until you give me back my precious!" I declared. I don't think Y/N could hear us.

"She'll never love you! Maybe if you would calm it down and be less s*x crazed, she would at least bare your precense."

"Oh yeah, cause you're not s*x crazed." I noted. "What was up with the 2 of you getting frisky on the couch!?"

Anti got the opportunity to punch me in the face. "She wanted it too..." He punched me again, but I tackled him again.

I felt my collar start to tighten around my throat. I looked at the kitchen briefly and noticed that Y/N wasn't there. I looked behind me and saw her there with tears still streaming down her face. She tried to pull me off of Anti, but it would be so easy. Anti was tired and almost knocked out by now. A few more blows to the face and he should be out like a light. I decided to turn my attention to her quickly. I turned around and punched her to get her down away from me.

"Stay out of this, babe!" I yelled when she fell to the ground. "You've been a naughty girl, and not in the way I like. When we get home, you're gonna get the punishment of your life! In fact, why don't we do it now!?" I walked closer to her, leaving Anti unconscious on the ground. She tried to crawl to the kitchen, but I kicked her foot to slow her down.

Where do you think you're going!?" I yelled.

Before I could do anything else however, I was pulled to the ground. Anti crawled on top of me, and started beating me to a pulp like I did to him. He held my wrists down to the ground with the weird force s*** that he can do.

"Don't you ever touch her again!" He mumbled. "You hear me! I'll f*** you up even more if you do that s*** again!" He picked me up by my collar and threw me across the room.

I couldn't believe it...I could barely move. I felt lifeless...useless...weak. I sat there against the wall. Blood covering my suit, face, and hands. My vision and hearing was blurred. I saw Anti on the phone, pacing back and forth ahead of me.

"Hey, boss....yeah...that pep talk you gave him? Yeah, you might wanna do a better job next time. I dint mean to be rude, but seriously. Get up here, now!" He said. About a second later, Hades appeared in the living room. Anti was always a kiss-up.

"Dude, he's not a kiss-up. He just follows the rules of basic demon-hood." Hades said. He picked me up and put me in demon proof chains. "C'mon. I warned ya, didn't I? But you didn't listen. You're suspended for a year."

"Oh come on, man. Let me spend some more time out." I protested.

"Keep talking and I'll put you in Cerberus's cage with the both of you in it." Hades threatened. I reluctantly shut my mouth.

"Thanks for letting me know, Anti." Hades said before we left.

Anti stood up straight and put his hands behind his back. "No problem, sir. I'll see you later."

"Goodbye Anti." We then transported to the Underworld.

I was thrown into my cell and locked in for the next year. With little food, little water, and no Y/N. I will have my revenge. I don't know how I'll be able to do it, but I have a year to come up with a plan. I have plenty of time.

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