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We finally arrived back at Lizzy's place. I'm gonna have to pack up my things. Well, I have a friend, and now a new boyfriend that will hopefully help me. I walked inside, Anti trailing behind me.

"Lizzy?!" I yelled.

"Y/N!" She ran downstairs, and jumped to hug me. "You were gone for a more than a while! I thought you were coming home after spending a little time with Sean! Not the whole day and then some!" She started crying a little. "You had me really worried!"

"I know...I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Do you have a specific reason why you were out so late?!" She gave Anti a dirty look, and let go of me. "YOU!" She said, pointing to him. He jumped.

"What?" He looked a little scared.

"I swear, if you did anything to her, I will slit your throat, and throw you into the oven!" I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Woah! Calm down Sweeny Todd." I giggled. She loved horror movies, and that was her favourite; horror, with a mix of musical. "Sean didn't do anything wrong. And...I have something to tell you about me and him."

"What?" She snapped a little.

"I'm...uhh..." I was scared to tell her after what she just did. Then, Anti stepped up and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm her boyfriend." He said with a smile. "And she's moving in with me."

"What?" She looked surprised, but a little...happy?

"Y-yeah." I answered. "I...broke up with James at the party."

"What happened that night anyway? I forgot to ask you." Lizzy said.

"I caught James trying to f*** another girl. Y'know, the classic 'cheating on my girlfriend' move." I joked. We all laughed a little.

"A**hole." She said.

"Pretty much." Anti replied. "I'll never do anything like that to you..." He leaned in close, and kissed the top of my head. I leaned into his chest.

"Well, then...I'm happy for the 2 of you." Lizzy finally said. "Come on. Let's go get you ready. And out of those clothes too. That's the stuff from yesterday." She pulled me upstairs.

(Tiny time skip)

We finished packing most of my stuff. The only thing we really couldn't fit is of coarse, my computer and it's moniter. Along with all the accessories I have with it; including the keyboard, mouse, and mouse pad. I decided that after everything else is settled in for me at Anti's place, we'll come back for my computer some other time. After we finished, I went to take a shower. The hot water was refreshing, and it sent tiny shivers down my body.

I went back to my now-old bedroom and got dressed. But when I walked in, there was no outfits except for one that Lizzy stood there, holding.

"Dude, what are you doing in here!?" I yelled. "Get out!"

"No. Not until you put this on." She threw the outfit over to me. I looked at it closely.

I couldn't believe it. It was the one dress that I wanted, but never had the money for. Lizzy didn't like it so she wouldn't buy it for herself, but she bought it for me. It was black, with purple strings hanging from the purple waistband attached to it. It had tight lace sleeves that went a little past my elbow. It was past my knee by about an inch, and I loved it to death. She threw over my favourite pair of converse that go great with the dress too; black and purple. She also threw over a black and white pair of horizontally striped leggings. She must've bought these too. I held the clothes close to my chest, and loved Lizzy even more than I already did. I walked up to her, and hugged her.

"Thank you....so much." I said as I felt tear fill my eyes.

"No problem..." She wiped a couple years from my cheeks as she backed away. "Now get dressed. You've got a boy waiting for you." She left the room and left me to get dressed.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and I actually loved how I looked for once. I loved every piece of the outfit, and it all went together perfectly. I walked downstairs and saw Anti put his phone away as he looked up at me.

"Hi!" I said.

"H-hello..." He replied in awe. I walked closer to him, and he did the same to me. He grabbed my waist lightly, and pulled me in for a small hug. He backed away, and broke the silence.

"You look...beautiful." He said. "There's no other way to describe it. Stunning, lovely, gorgeous, pretty." I blushed a little.

"Stop flattering me, and let's get going." I lightly punched his shoulder, grabbed my bags, and left for Anti's house.


As I waited for Y/N to finish packing I was nervous on how Dark was doing. Would he finish it in time? Hopefully. Would he move all of my stuff from Jack's place, to my new one? Hopefully. Would Y/N not suspect anything? Hopefully. I don't wanna sound cliché, but I want to impress her. I called Dark as the 2 girls were upstairs.

(Phone conversation A=Anti D=Dark)

D: Before you say anything, yes, I'm almost done with your house. I'm just moving your stuff now from Jack's place to yours.

A: Thanks again, Dark.

D: Yeah, yeah. What's this for anyway? Is it for that girl you were talking about?

A: Yes, alright?! I don't want her to think I'm a loser because I live with Jack.

D: Dude, if she hasn't been driven away yet, your fine.

A: Thanks Dark....

D: No problem! Anyway, I wanna come meet this girl soon, but I'll give you guys a few days to do whatever. I'll see ya then. Bye.

A: *sigh* Bye.

(End of conversation)

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Y/N walking down the stairs in a new outfit. I put my phone in my pocket, looking up to her in complete awe. She was stunning...the black dress with bits of purple that she wore; beautiful. Her long H/C (hair colour) hair with streaks of green; eye-catching. Everything about her was perfect, as it always is.

"Hi!" She said.

"H-hello..." I replied, still in awe. We both slowly started to walk closer to each other. I put my hands on her waist pulling her in for a quick hug. We backed away from each other, and I finally broke the silence.

"You look...beautiful." I said. "There's no other way to describe it. Stunning, lovely, gorgeous, pretty." Her face went red a little, and she smiled.

"Stop flattering me, and let's get going." She lightly punched my shoulder making me laugh a little. She grabbed her bags, and I grabbed a couple for her as well. We finally left for my new house.

An Uncommon Love (Anti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now