New Modern Love

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We arrived home, and we threw our jackets onto the coat hanger. I jumped onto the couch, and sighed as Anti locked the front door, the back door, and he shut all the curtains that were always open to let the fresh sunlight shine in. But now, all the regular lights were on, and the sunlight was trapped through the closed curtains.

Anti flopped down on the couch next to me and sighed. He started to whimper, and he put his face in his palms. I immediately sat up, and hugged him.

"Anti, please don't're gonna make me cry if you do it..." I said as I rubbed his back.

"I never meant to get you into all of this s***!" He yelled at himself as he quickly stood up. He picked up the TV remote that sat on the coffee table, and threw it to the other side of the room. He put his hands to his head, and started breathing heavy. He fell to his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs. I fell next to him, and hugged him tighter as I started crying along with him.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N...I never wanted you to deal with more bulls*** than you already deal with. I should've never went to that party! I should've never came outside to see if you were okay. I should've never met you! I make everything worse!!" He yelled.

"Anti please!!!" I yelled in his ear. I shook his body and stopped him. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! No one has ever loved me like you have before! No one has ever been this nice to me except for Lizzy and Emily, and a couple other friends that I haven't even talked to in years!" I explained. "Stop saying all this s***! I loved meeting you! I fell in love with you as soon as you made me feel better that night! I'm glad that I got lost in a trance as you sat there at the mini bar. That was the best night of my deserve to know that..." I kissed him as we both cried a little.

I hugged him even tighter than I ever have. "I....I love you mean everything to me..." I whispered as my tears fell into his shoulders.

I felt his tears fall on my shoulders too. "I love you too, Y/ are my whole life..." He started doing something I wasn't expecting. He started kissing my neck. I tilted my head to give him easy access.

After a few minutes of him going crazy, he picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs. He kept kissing my neck as he searched for my sweet spot again. He opened the door to his bedroom as he finally found it, and I let out a quiet moan. He giggled as he threw me down onto the bed, and continued kissing my sweet spot.

"Darling...?" He said as he gained breath from kissing my neck.

"Yes, baby?" I asked. I never use nicknames like that, so this was a little new for me.

"Sing for me while I do this for you...I know this is what you want...I want it too. Don't forget....I can hear your thoughts." He must know about all those times we each had a sudden craving for each other. I guess he knew what it was, and now I do too.

I moaned quietly again. "Anything for you..." I said.

"I won't pretend that I don't,
Feel the way I feel." I sang as he kissed my neck more and more.

"I can't forget the taste of
Something that's real.

Step into my closet,
And maybe you'll find,
Something that'll scare you,
Or something that you'll like..

Your old familiar logic,
Is poison on your lips.
There's nothing in the water,
It's just the way it is." I gasped when he bit my neck, hard.

"I've got a forbidden love,
I'm not giving it up.
Not giving it up.

I've got an uncommon love,
I'm not giving it up.
Not giving it up." I then flipped us over, and started kissing his neck. I sang the rest of the chorus when I got up for air.

"I don't care if you don't want it,
Cause I, I, I got it.
Don't care if you don't get it,
Cause I, I still want it.

I've got a new modern love,
I'm not giving it up.
Not giving it up.
No...." I felt a tug on my shirt, and immediately sat up to take it off. I tugged on his once I threw mine on the floor, and he did the same.

"I love it when you sing for me...." He said as I kissed and bit his neck, searching for his sweet spot as well. He let out a grunt when I was near his collar bone. I smirked, and abused it. After a few minutes, he flipped us back over and he started kissing down my torso.

His hands glided up to the latch in the front of my bra. He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes as I pet his head.

"May I?" He asked politely.

"You may." I smirked, and he returned the expression as he ripped off my bra, exposing my whole chest. I tugged on the belt in his pants, searching for the belt loop to unhook them. He then took them off himself. He then tugged on my jeans and I grabbed his hand.

Are you ready? He said in my mind, as he refused to stop kissing my lower torso.

No holding back...I thought. I'm ready.

I love you. Was the last thing he said before grabbing a knife and tearing off my jeans. Without even asking first, he then ripped off my underwear and he took off his boxers.

Thank....I gasped and my thoughts were interrupted when he started. You....I finished.

Anything for you. You are my life, remember? I will do anything for you, and anything with you.

I couldn't even think of a response it was so great. He grabbed my thighs as tight as he could, and he dug his nails into me. I grabbed one of his hands and moved it up to my neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and moved myself closer every time he did the same.

How....? How are you....? Even his thoughts sounded tired. I still was too tired to think of an answer.

(A/N: Again, sorry for vivid description. An authour commits when they write! And I've read part of an ACTUAL novel like this that my friend showed me. That's why these parts in my stories are so descriptive, and again, I'm sorry for that.)

I finally thought of something. Enjoying yourself? I thought as we both breathed heavily, and moaned louder than earlier.

Y-yes....He stuttered.

G-good....ah...I moaned in my mind.          (A/N: I regret that...)

For the rest of that beautiful night, it felt like hours before he rolled off of me and onto the bed next to me after we both let out one last sound. We both lay there, he lay on my chest and I held him close, playing with his hair. We both trembled as we there. Him more than me.

"Th-thank you..." I said.

"I'm the one who sh-should thank y-you." We both stuttered from how tired and exhilarated we were.

I giggled a little. "Why's that?" I asked.

"If I never met you, I could've never had th-this amazing experience with the m-most beautiful girl I've ever met...and for that...I thank you...s-so much..." Anti explained. "I love you, and I will for all my life."

"And I'll thank you...for s-saving me. I-if you haven't come to see if I was okay th-that night...I would've done unspeakable things...Th-thank you. I love you too...and I will f-for the rest of my l-life..." I kissed the top of his head, and he kissed my chest.

"Goodnight Y/N." He said as he closed his eyes.

"Goodnight Anti." We both slowly drifted off to sleep with ecstasy still filling our systems even though the greatest moment of my life had just ended. I couldn't wait to see what the future will bring, tomorrow.

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