I'd Come For You

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I felt a weight lift off of the bed and I felt a warm enclose me on the bed. I knew it was a blanket, and I instinctively tucked it underneath my chin to keep me warm. I heard the muffled thoughts of Y/N.

"You're so adorable." She thought. I smiled in my sleep. I slightly heard the door open and close.

She must be making breakfast...I thought. I'll get a few more minutes of sleep. She'll probably call me down. I drifted back to sleep.

(Time skip)

I didn't hear my name from downstairs, and started to get worried. I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes before throwing the sheets off that covered me. I noticed that all of our clothes from yesterday were strewn about on the floor. I almost completely forgot about all that. I'm glad I didn't though. I smirked to myself.

Maybe we can do that later. I thought. I crawled out of bed and threw on my boxers from last night. I left my room and went downstairs.

But instead of greeting Y/N with kissing and biting on her neck like I wanted, it was silent, and there was a couple of bowls of cereal on the counter in the kitchen. There was no milk in them, just cereal. I started breathing heavy.

"Y/N?" I yelled out. I ran upstairs and checked the bathroom, her room, and the recording room.

Not a single thing was in any of them.

I ran back down and looked for anything that would give me any idea. Every criminal leaves something as a clue, either by accident or on purpose. Knowing Dark, that sick bastard, it would be on purpose.

And sure enough, on the floor of the living room lay a note with a few drops of blood on it. I gritted my teeth and picked it up to read it.

She will be mine. The note said. She will forget all about you, and soon, you will forget all about her.

I hope you enjoyed the last bit of time you had with her...as I will have that type of quality time with her. Say goodbye to her, Anti.


"F*** NO!" I yelled. "This s*** is NOT happening!"

I called everyone. Madpat, Natemare, Wilford, Googlplier, Bingsepticeye, Schneep, Chase, and that 1920s character that was named Jameson Jackson. He was new to our crazy as f*** family. I even called Jack himself. Within an hour or so, everyone had arrived.

"What's happenin' Anti?" Jack asked.

"Before I explain, I need everyone to leave this room." I answered. "Except for you..." I pointed at Madpat.

"S***..." He said.

"Good luck, bro." Chase said before he went upstairs as the others followed.

"Singing helps me unwind if you need to afterwards." Natemare said, patting Madpat on the shoulder.

We were finally in the living room. I grabbed the collar of his lab coat and pinned him to the wall.

"Why, THE F***, would you BETRAY ME!? You said after the meeting the other day that you would never help Dark in anyway! Now I hear that you made him some sort of substance that can keep people alive, but they can be hurt as much as possible!?"

"A-Anti, I-it's not what you think!" Madpat stuttered. "I was drugged myself! D-Dark made me! I was under some sort of trance!"

"Sure!" I said sarcastically. I threw him across the room. I slowly walked closer to him as he lay on the floor, coughing.

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