Glowing In The Dark

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The next day, I wake up again in Anti's room. But it's different. I wake up by myself, and not from Anti waking me up by kissing my cheek or resting his head on my shoulder. I was worried, but not a lot.

Maybe he's in the shower...or he's making a surprise breakfast. I thought. I put on my robe and snuck into the bathroom. No one was in there. I went downstairs and there was still no one there. Now I was really worried. There was no trace of Anti anywhere. I had just got him back! I needed to spend just one full day with him. I went up to shower, hoping that by the time I was done, he would be home.

Before I could fully walk up the stairs however, I heard a knock on the door.

"F***..." I whispered to myself. "Should I answer it?"

I shrugged, answering my own question. "F*** it." I said as I walked closer to the door. I opened it, and widened my eyes. I tried slamming it shut but the people who were behind it put their hands on the door to keep it open. Those people, were Elizabeth and James.

I refused to look up at their faces. "Go....away...." I said.

"We've came to..." Elizabeth started. I cut her off.

"No! Please! I don't want to talk to either of you! Especially not you!" I pointed to James.

"You don't have to speak. Us on the other hand, have some things to say." Elizabeth said. "We've both came to say, that we're sorry."

"How?" I slowly, and reluctantly, looked up at them.

"I know I was a b****. And I was, because I was jealous."

"How can you be jealous of me? You had everything, and still do! I had nothing. You were popular and got along with everyone in the school. I only had a handful of friends, and most of them I haven't talked to in years." I explained.

"Let me finish!" She said. "I was jealous because you and your mom actually got along and did stuff with each other. Meanwhile, mine was always working, or talking about how I'll never live up to what she wants me to do." She rolled her eyes.

"I came to say I'm sorry, for beating you up just because I was jealous."

I was still a little suspicious, but I appreciated the fact that she came down to apologize.

I nodded and finally spoke. "You are forgiven. But you, it's not gonna be so easy!" I pointed at James.

"I know...I've...started going to a therapist for help. I was drunk....and I was mad....and I know that I'm a dirty a**hole that should go to Hell." James explained.

"I can forgive you, for now. But I'm still suspicious of both of you. Besides that, why are you here? I need to go shower."

"We came to deliver something." Elizabeth said. She took a folded letter out of the pocket of her short jacket, and handed it to me.

"What's this rubbish?" I said, as I turned into my nerdy self, and quoted Harry Potter. They both laughed a little, and Elizabeth started speaking.

"It's from your bodyga-" she caught herself. "Your boyfriend." She corrected. "It's from your boyfriend."

"Why would Sean trust you with this?" I asked.

"We saw him walking past us, and I caught his attention. I grabbed his shoulder, and he got all defensive."

Well of coarse he did. I thought to myself. You grabbed his shoulder, and you tried to kill me...multiple times...

"I told him to calm down, and told him that the next time he saw you, to tell you that we were sorry. Then he said, 'Well you can tell her yourself. I was gonna ask a friend of mine to do this, but could you give this to her? I probably won't see her until later tonight.' That's exactly what he said, and I did exactly that. So here it is."

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