Before I Die

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I sat next to Y/N as she lay there in the hospital bed. I'm so scared, I'm shaking as I hold her hand with my head resting on the bed. I don't want to lose her already. I don't wanna lose her, period. She's the most beautiful, kind, and caring girl I've ever met. Not that I've met many others, but I'm not gonna lose her! If she dies...I'll die. I sat there rocking back and forth while holding her hand.

"Please don't leave me..." I whispered. "I...I don't want to lose mean everything to me..." Then I felt the bed move. I shot my head up, and saw that Y/N was shuffling around.

"Y-Y/N?" I said.


"Y-Y/N?" Anti said. My vision was blurred and my hearing was muffled.

"A-Anti?" I answered back, quietly.

"Y-your alive?"

"Yeah." My vision was restored.

A hopeful smile went on his face. He jumped up from his seat, and hugged me. He was warm and I hugged him back. I felt him kiss the top of my head. He backed up suddenly, and sat back down.

"I....sorry I...uhh..." He seemed flustered.

"It's fine." I reassured him. "I just have one question."

"You can ask me anything." He said.

"Did you mean what you said back at the park?" I asked. "About me being your girlfriend?" He blushed, and I could feel my face burning up a little.

"You caught that, huh?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I just said something to get her away from you. I can understand if yo-" I cut him off.

"I mean what I'm about to say next..." I said. "No one better hurt my boyfriend when I'm around." I blushed, and his face grew redder by the second.

"You really mean that?" He asked.

"That's what I said. I mean it." He got up, and hugged me again. We heard the doctor walk in.

"Y/N?" He asked. He had some sort of accent as well.

"That's me!" I said. I looked at him, and he had the casual doctor look to him. A coat, and some light blue scrubs underneath. He wore a mirror head band and he had a mask on. He had green hair like Anti too. But Anti's hair was darker green, while the doctor's was very light, most a little yellow.

"Schneep?" Anti asked.

No way...I thought.

"In zee flesh!" He said.

"Are they all real!?" I asked.

"Vy yez! Ov coarze!" Dr. Schneep said. "Now, vat have ve got here?" He looked at his clipboard.

"She got in an unfair fight." Anti rolled his eyes at the thought.

"She's done that to me for years. I've fought back one day. But she was the principal's daughter, so no one believed me but Lizzy and the other few friends I had." I explained to Anti.

"She's an a**hole!" He started glitching.

"Calm down! I'll be okay." I put my hand on his. He put his other hand over mine and his.

"Zo, your in zhere, becauze ov ze loss ov blood."

"Yes." Anti answered. "Some b**** from her school that used to beat her up cut her wrists."

"Vat did vou do Anti?" Schneep asked.

"I may have....threatened her just a little...while...holding a knife to her throat. It was dark out! No one saw."

"Hopevully." Schneep rolled his eyes. "Anyvay, Y/N, you shvould be able to leave vhere zoon. Ve and Anti vill get vour stuvv veady."

"Okay." I giggled a little. Anti got up and went with Dr. Scheeplestein to get my stuff ready.


"Zo, Anti..." Schneep said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Vou vinally met zomevone? Zomevone zat carez about vou very much."

"How'd you know?"

"Ve can all hear zoughts vou knov." He noted.

"Yeah yeah." I looked back into Y/N's room. "Yeah, I really care for her. And she cares about me...we're...officially together now too." I felt my face burn up.

"Anti, vour blushing."

"I know! Stop pointing it out! You and Jack both!"

"Zorry! Zorry! Let'z juzt get ver veady to go." I grabbed her pile of clothes from last night, and walked back to her room.

"Am I ready?" She asked.

"Yup. Just, put these on for now though. You can change when we get home."

"We?" She asked.

"Oh...uhh...yeah. You probably wanna go back to your friend, don't you?"

"Well...maybe we can work something out!" She said. "Where do you live?"

With Jack...I thought. "In a pretty nice house. My friend built it for me." What the f*** are you doing Anti!?! Dumba**! I handed her the clothes. Schneep came in and took the wires out of her arms and such with care. She went into the bathroom to change.

"Anti..." Scheep said.

"Don't say anything! I need to call Dark. When Y/N comes out, tell her I'm in the waiting room." I left and went into the elevator to go down. I pulled out my phone, and called Dark.

"Answer!" I whispered.

(Phone conversation: A=Anti, D=Dark)

D: Hello?

A: Hey, Dark. It's me.

D: Anti! Where'd you go, dude? I tried coming over to hang out, but when Jack answered the door he said you went out with a girl. Who?

A: Someone I met at the party the other night. Now please ignore that, and build me a house. Quickly!

D: Alright! Alright! Where, and what kind of house?

A: Near where Jack lives, and kinda like a mansion kind of thing...?

D: Alright. I'll get on that now. I'll see you guys soon?

A: I guess. See ya. Bye.

D: Bye.

(End of conversation)

I sat in the waiting room waiting for Y/N to come out of the elevator. After a few minutes, she finally came down.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey." I said back as I embraced her in a hug. She hugged back and I smiled. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. I need to shower and change clothes." She giggled.

"Well, let's get going." I called a taxi and they drove us to Y/N's and Lizzy's place. We hugged in the back seat on the way there.

A/N: So this chapters a little short, and not very good xD. I did have help from missjackson_00, and I appreciate it very much. The next chapter will be a little more eventful. This one was just like a chapter to calm down the events in the last one. Anyway, I hope you liked it, and I hope you like the book so far as a whole. Thank you for all the support and I'll see you in the next one.

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