Next Contestant

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The next day, I woke up more refreshed than ever. I still didn't get the average amount of hours of sleep, but I slept more than I usually do. Usually I sleep 3 hours a night, but last night I slept a whole 6 hours!

Whoo hoo! New record! I joked to myself.

Same here! Anti giggled from his room. I forgot he could hear my thoughts. We both slept more than we usually do. Hopefully it will last.

Hopefully. I giggled again, and got out of bed. I went downstairs to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Anti beat me to it.

"G'morning beautiful." He said in his rich Irish accent.

I blushed as I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Morning Anti..." I smiled.

I walked up behind him, and rest my head on his back, yawning, before he turned around with 2 mugs of coffee in his hand. One of them was the one I brought from Lizzy's house, and he handed it to me. I took a sip, and felt a little more awake than I did.

"Go sit." I said. "I'll make some breakfast as another thank you for letting me move in."

"You don't need to thank me." Anti replied. "You've given me the greatest gift of you being here." He looked shocked with himself, but before he did anything to punish himself, I kissed his cheek. He smiled and hugged me, kissing the top of my head.

"Fine. Make some breakfast. I'm gonna go up and shower if that's okay."

"It's alright." I said as I let go of him and lightly shoved him towards the stairs. He went up, and I heard the door to the bathroom close. I walked deeper into the kitchen.

"Let's see..." I examined the pantry and fridge. I managed to pull out a few things that would make a decent breakfast; eggs, bacon, and pre-made pancake batter. Simple, quick, and easy. That way, it should be done by the time Anti is done getting showered and dressed. I went upstairs to my room to grab my phone for some music. I opened Spotify, and hit shuffle after selecting one of my favourite albums. I started singing along when the lyrics started.

"I judge by what she's wearing.
Just how many heads I'm tearing,
Off of a**holes coming onto her.
Each night seems like it's getting worse.

And I wish she'd take the night off,
So I don't have to fight off,
Every a**hole coming onto her.
It happens every night she works.

They'll go and ask the DJ,
And find out just what would she say,
If they all tried coming onto her.
Don't they know it's never gonna work?

They think they'll get inside her,
With every drink they buy her.
As they all try coming onto her.
This time somebody's getting hurt.

Here comes the next contestant...

Is that, your hand, on my, girlfriend?
Is that, your hand?
I wish you'd do it again!
I'll watch you leave here limping...
I wish you'd do it again!
I'll watch you leave here limping...
There goes the next contestant." I sang as I cooked. It was almost finished already.

I didn't even get to the next verse when I heard Anti rushing down the stairs. I paused it after making 2 plates of food for the each of us. I set them down on the dining room table, and walked over to Anti who was leaning against the wall next to the door. He rest his head on his arms that were crossed above him.

"Anti...?" I asked, a little scared.

"What?" He snapped. His eyes were pitch black briefly, but then returned to their normal impossible shade of green once he saw me.

An Uncommon Love (Anti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now