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I had the best time with my mom yesterday. We went out to the ice cream shop with Anti, or as she knew him Sean. We went used to go to it when I was 6 or 7. Those were the years my mom hung out with me the most. When I needed my mom because of me starting school, and she would wonder why I came home from school, crying. I had to share the bus with Elizabeth as well.

The next day, I decide to make lunch for me and Anti. He started to play a game as I went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge and pantry. I was going to make some turkey sandwiches and a small side salad with lettuce, cheese,croutons, and whatever sauce we wanted, for the each of us. But I noticed that we had no loaf of bread, no turkey or cheese, and no lettuce. I sighed and went upstairs to grab my wallet and phone.

I walked to Anti as he sat down playing his game. I kissed him on the cheek, and he paused it.

"I'll be back," I started. "I'm gonna go out and get some stuff to make lunch with."

"I'll go with you!" He said eagerly.

"No," I protested. "You stay here just in case anyone breaks in. Sometimes I don't trust this neighbourhood." I laughed.

"Are you sure?" He said as walked closer, putting his hands on my shoulders. I had a sudden urge. I kissed him on the lips passionately, and we both eased into it quite quickly. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer a little. We backed away, and leaned our foreheads into each other.

"I'll...I'll be back as soon as I can..." I smiled, and bit my lip a little. He did too.

"Okay..." He said with a smile. I then left the house, and walked to the market. I walked to think about what had just happened.

What just happened? I thought. I liked it weirdly, but...why did it happen? I've never felt that way before.

You might wanna watch what your thinking. Anti giggled slightly. I can hear your thoughts a little. Walk away more, and then I won't hear you anymore.

D*** it! I laughed as I walked faster a couple blocks.

Let's see if he can hear this...I loved the feeling of your touch on my waist.... I thought.

I heard the 'let's see if he can hear this' part. I didn't hear anything else. In fact, I can't hear you at all right now.

Good, now I have my thoughts to myself for a little. I laughed.

I thought more and more about the feeling I got when Anti pulled me closer to him. I barely knew what it was, and I just wanted to stay in his hold forever. I wanted to do nothing but sit next to him, and cuddle....and kiss....and hug....and do anything we wanted. It was like a sudden craving I couldn't shake. But I ignored it for now, and finally arrived at the market.

After a few minutes and finding most of what I needed, I went searching for the bread. That's all I needed along with cheese and ranch dressing. I entered the bread aisle and saw Elizabeth standing there, staring at the shelves.

S***! I thought. I put up the hood of the sweatshirt I wore today, and continued walking past her.

I turned away, and looked at the opposite side of the aisle. I turned around slightly and regretted it immediately. She caught a glance of me.

Did she see me? I thought.

"Y/N! No way! Here without your bodyguard I see."


I turned around fully. "Leave me alone, Elizabeth." I said quietly.

"Why? Because your bodyguard isn't here to rescue you?" She said, crossing her arms.

"Just leave me alone!" I said louder.

"Ooh, feisty are we? Practicing on standing up for yourself?" She pushed my shoulder. "Why don't you just call your bodyguard!? Or your boyfriend, or whatever the f*** he is!?" She kept pushing me every time she referenced Anti.

"I'll tell you what he is!" She yelled. "He's a f***ing freak! Talking in people's minds? What the actual h***?! He's weird!"

"STOP IT!" I yelled once more. I dropped my basket to the floor. A saw a couple people turn to us and watch.

"Stop what?" She said. "I'm just telling you my opinion on your freak of a boyfriend. He's probably cheated on you by now."

"I've beaten you up before!" I reminded her. "Don't you remember the 8th grade!? I'd be happy to do it again!!!"

"Try me..." She said quietly.

I then punched her in the face by surprise. A couple workers started walking over, but then they stopped. I watched as Elizabeth slowly turned her head back at me, rubbing her jaw and it looked like she was trying to reconnected to her head. She threw her fist at me, but then I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. Her eyes widened and filled with fear as I turned it back towards her. I said 1 thing to her before I sent her own fist into her face.

"You break me down...but then you build me right back up." I sent her fist into her nose. I knocked her down to her knees.

She looked back up at me with a bloody nose. She looked scared. I've never seen her scared before.

"I-I see then..." She stuttered. "I-I'll just...l-leave you alone....then." She stood up and walked out of the aisle. I turned to see a group of other customers and workers who watched in awe, and a few people with fear.

"Go back to what you were doing before please." I said as I put my hood back up, and continued shopping.

When I arrived back home, Anti was no where to be seen downstairs. But then I heard loud banging sounds from upstairs.

Is he playing the drums? I thought, expecting an answer. There was no answer. I set the bags down on the dining room table, and went upstairs to Anti's room. I knocked on the door, still hearing the banging.

"Anti?" I yelled. "I'm home!" I started to hear singing as well.

You break me down,
You build me up.

Hey, let the bullets fly,
Oh let them rain!
My life, my love, my drive,
It came from...

You made me a,
You made me a believer!

I love that song! I thought as I slowly opened the door.

Anti jumped and threw his drum sticks into the air, making them fall onto the ground. He hit the space bar on his laptop, which I'm assuming paused the song. He removed one side of his headphones off his ear.

"Jehzus! You scared me!" He said in a rich accent. I giggled.

"Sorry." I said. "I just came up to tell you that I got the stuff for lunch."

"It's okay. I was just messing around anyway." He took his headphones completely off, shut his computer, and set the drum sticks neatly onto one of the drums. He walked to me, and kissed me on the lips.

There it was again. That feeling of never wanting to be free from his grip. This time, it grew stronger. I held onto his shoulders so he didn't move, and it worked for a few seconds, but he eventually broke free. I still held onto his hand though, as he didn't resist to let go of that.

"C'mon," he said. "Let's go make lunch." We both walked downstairs and had the rest of the day to ourselves.

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