Remember The Time

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I heard Wilford knock on the door and then heard muffled footsteps from inside the house. About a second or two later, Dark came walking down the stairs, buttoning up his dress shirt. Me and the rest of the guys kneeled down so we weren't visible through the window. I heard the door open, and I could hear them talking to each other.

"Wil! My man!" Dark said.

"Hello there old pal!" Wilford replied.

"What's going on? Why'd you come to visit me all of a sudden?"

"Eh, I kinda need help with a job." In his own time, Wilford Warfstache was a spy. (Who knew, right?) So he had a lot of experience going under cover and pretending everything is complete normal. Meanwhile, someone's trying to kill someone else, or in this case, someone's trying to save someone else.

"Well, let me get some alcohol and then you can tell me all about it." Dark laughed. He walked into the kitchen, and we all slid down the outside of the walls. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I had no idea where Y/N was because I haven't seen her yet. I had no idea what condition she was in and what he's done to her.

Y/N, I thought to her. I'm here, and I'm coming to get you.

There was no response.

I looked back inside and saw Dark facing away from the kitchen taking a chug of bourbon. Wilford gave us a thumbs up, as Dark was completely oblivious.

Natemare opened up his backpack and pulled out a crystal ball with music notes dancing around in it. He looked back at everyone except for me.

"You might wanna cover your ears." He said.

"Before you do what ever you're gonna do," I stopped him. "What's that gonna do anyway?" I asked.

"If I smash this on the ground, it will emit a loud enough noise to break the window. Us demons, won't hear it. But everyone else will."

"Does that include Y/N?" I asked worried.

"It is loud enough, so it's possible."

"I hope she covers her ears..."

Natemare stood up and went out of view of the window. Everyone else covered their ears and squinted their eyes while I watched him throw the crystal ball to the ground. All I heard was the crash of the ball, and I saw the music notes that danced inside of it float around the shattered pieces. A few seconds later, the window to the kitchen shattered and crashed. We all covered our heads and faces to make sure we weren't cut with the glass.

We could hear Dark and Wilford talk more clearly. "The f*** was that?" Dark said.

"I'm sure it's just something outside. Some kids probably breaking a window in another house."

"Alright...I'll...I'll be right back." Dark got up, and went upstairs. Wilford motioned for us to crawl inside. I came in first and hid in the kitchen as the others followed.

As everyone hid, they got ready for each of their jobs. I saw Schneep and Madpat talking and mixing different coloured substances, adding different drugs and medicines to them to try to make something that would immediately put Dark to sleep. I saw Googlplier and Bingsepticeye's eyes keep changing from grey to yellow. They were finding random facts and saving them to their files for easy access to distract Dark. Chase and Jameson came and hid with me, and we all waited for the perfect moment to sneak up the stairs.

I leaned closer to Madpat. "Hey," I whispered. "Can I have the thing that will make Y/N remember me? Just in case?" I asked.

"Yeah, here." He reached in his pocket and pulled out the bottle and an empty syringe. "She might fight you, but you've got a drunk Chase Brody with you so I think you'll be good." He laughed.

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