Feel Invincible

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Me and Chase were a little tipsy as we waited for everyone in the living room. Him a little more than me. He is human more than me, so alcohol has more of an effect on him. I was still a little drunk though. After an hour or two, everyone had finally arrived.

"Are we all ready to go?" Asked Jack.

"Why'd you pack?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? I'm helping you get Y/N back. You deserve to be happy like me and Signe."

"Exactly. You stay here. It's too risky for you. You will have a chance of dying. She'll be heartbroken. You need to stay here." I assured him.

"Anti, I'm sorry for mocking you sometimes. I don't realize it when I do, and this is my apology. Please, let me-" I cut him off.

"Jack, I said no! I don't want Signe to be heartbroken. I may not care about her like I care about Y/N, but I do in some way. Please, stay here and keep her safe in case Dark decides to be even more of an a**hole than he already is!" I explained. I sighed and collected myself. "I'm sorry..."

"It's alright. I guess you're right anyway." He shrugged. He set down his bags and sat on the couch. He looked back up.

"Get Y/N back....kill that son of a b**** if you can....good luck guys." He said.

I nodded and smiled. "Let's go!" I exclaimed as I motioned for all of us to leave the house. We all went to the woods behind it.

Jameson looked confused.

"Whats up, dude?" Chase asked him. "Bing, will you translate?"

"Sure." Bing answered. "I believe he's asking, 'Where is this fellow anyway?'"

"He's most likely at his house." Madpat said. "That's where he brought me. Wilford, Google, do either of you know the way?"

"I can't remember what I did yesterday!" Answered Wilford. "Don't ask me."

"Always helpful..." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I know where he lives," Google started. "But I don't know how to get there. Let me check my maps..." His eyes turned a dark green like the land below us, and stood still. He made a few beeps and boops here and there.

After a while, he finally started to talk again. "Okay, I have saved the directions to Dark's address to my files. Let me open it, and everyone follow me." His eyes went yellow, and then white. He started walking.

"Vhat are ve vaiting vor!?" Schneep exclaimed. "Let'z go!" He was the first to start walking, and we all followed.

I ran to catch up the the front since I was trailing behind. I didn't run I. front of Google, but I caught up with Chase and Natemare.

"You alright, Anti?" Nate asked.

"I guess...." I answered.

Chase put his hand on my shoulder. "We're gonna get her back, bro." He said. "Everything's gonna go back to the way it was."

"This is all my fault." He punched my arm. "What the f*** was that for!?" I snapped.

"Don't say that!" He yelled back. "It's not your fault, it's Darks! If he didn't want to come visit and meet her, none of this would've happened!"

"Yeah, but I was the dumba** who allowed him to come over." I noted.

"You couldn't have known that he would do this. Besides, he probably had this planned from the get-go."

"Knowing that jacka**, most likely." We all laughed. I looked over at Natemare who was taking his phone out of one of his bags.

"Why'd you bring your phone with you?" I asked while laughing a little still.

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