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He picked up the whip and the blindfold from the table. He walked over and I tried kicking him away, but he grabbed my leg and twisted it at an impossible angle. He broke my leg, and I screamed in pain.

"You satisfy me, dear." Dark said with a smirk. "Thank you for screaming." He kissed me roughly.

"How do you take pleasure from this!?" I yelled.

"It's just me, honey. Anti gets these feelings too. He may not tell you, but he wants to f*** you almost all the time." He giggled demonically.

"Whatever!" I yelled once more. "He's more of a gentleman to a lady you'll ever be! He at least asks for consent first!" Dark slapped me again.

"You're gonna forget all about him soon! And he's gonna forget all about you! Got it? Good!" He said as he gripped my neck hard. He took his hand away to put the blindfold around my eyes. I felt the chains around my wrists loosen and fall.

But no sooner after that, he forcefully grabbed the bottom of my shirt, and ripped it off the top of me. I couldn't stop him. It was like some unknown force was holding my arms down. No doubt in my mind that it was Dark's doing. I was turned around and my wrists were chained back up to the wall. I knew what he was doing.

I felt his breath close to my neck and he quickly kissed it. "I'm doing this...for us." He whispered.

I heard a crash, and a sharp burning pain went through my back. The pain was awful and like nothing I've ever experienced, which is saying something. He whipped me, one time after another. I kept screaming and screaming in pain until it felt like my throat was bleeding. I could tell he was pleasured and enjoyed my screaming. He did a moment ago, and he did when he raped me...

After what felt like 2 lifetimes, he was finally finished. I felt blood leaking out of my back and down my legs. It felt like I was being branded in multiple spots on my back. I hung my head low and felt like passing out, but something kept me from doing that. I hated it. I wanted to pass out so I couldn't feel the pain anymore. I wanted to pass out and be comforted by Anti. Dark unchained me, and turned me back around. He took off the blindfold and my vision was blurred from my eyes almost closing. They were still open sadly. He swooped me off my feet and carried me back to the bedroom he kept me in.

He lay me down on the bed on my stomach. I felt his hand glide down my back. At first his touch stung the slashes on my back, but then after a while, the pain was gone. I heard something clink behind me, but I didn't know what it was. I refused to move. At least that was until a syringe was shoved into my neck. I screamed again, and he shushed me.

" quiet babe...everything's gonna be okay. As long as you do this for me...forget about Anti. Fall in love with me. I've loved you all this time...and we can be happy together. I can give you anything you want. Forget about Anti....forget about him...and love me." He whispered.

I felt the substance spread all over and went up to my mind, giving me another migraine. I then had a sudden craving that I've never felt until now. I rolled over onto my back. Dark looked down at me, and I pulled him closer by his neck. I kissed his neck and whispered something that would assure him of something.

"I....I l-love you..." I stuttered.

"I love you too, baby." He said as he grabbed my waist. I took off Hsu shirt and traced down his abs with my finger.

"You're so hot...." I said seductively.

"So are you..." He replied as he bit his lip. I started messing with his belt on his pants and he started pulling down my extremely short shorts.

"Darling?" He asked as he traced down my legs, kissing them.

"Yes?" I asked, breathing heavily.

"Moan for me...and don't forget to address me how I want you to."

"Yes, Daddy." I smirked.


The next day, I woke up with Dark next to me, and weirdly enjoyed his company. I snuggled up next to him to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he looked at me.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said.

"Morning, handsome." I said, kissing his cheek.

"We might have a busy day today." He winked.

"Whatever we need to do, as long as I'm with you." I rested my head on his shoulder. After a while, we both got up and got in the shower.


"Everyone! Wake up! Google's fully charged, and we're almost there!" I yelled as loudly as we could. Everyone popped up and ran outside of the tent, or over in front of it.

"Sir, yes sir!" They all yelled in unison. They all broke into laughter.

I laughed as well. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go!" I turned on Google.

"Thanks for charging me up." He said.

"Well, we need to. If we wanna get there before anything happens. How long until we get there again?"

"Approximately 30 minutes, sir." He said.

"Will you f***ers quit calling me 'sir'!" I yelled. "It's weird."

"Sorry." Said Chase. "I told them all that last night as a joke." He slurred his words.

"It's alright. Let's just get going. Google, lead the way!" Google continued walking the same way we were going yesterday. Schneep had already packed up his tent, and everyone had their bags ready to go. I walked next to Madpat, as I had a few questions for him.

"Hey Madpat?" I asked.

"What's up?" He asked back.

"If Dark has done anything to Y/N, to make her love him and forget about me, is there anyway to reverse it?"

"Yes, actually. When I was packing before we left, I had made a concoction that should restore her memory before any of the other substance was injected into her." He held a bottle of a purple liquid filled with bubbles and a couple of syringes.

"So that will make her love me again if he told her anything?" I asked nervously.

"In theory, yes." He put them back in his pocket.

"Anti!" I heard Google yell. I ran up next to him.

"What's wro....." I was about to ask what was wrong until I saw Dark's house right in front of us.

"Nothing's wrong." Google said. "We're here."

"Okay, Natemare, you're gonna sneek everyone in by shattering a window. Wilford, you're gonna distract Dark by knocking on the door and paying him a visit. Schneep and Madpat, you're gonna try to find the perfect chance to inject Dark with something that will knock him out. Google and Bing, you're gonna throw random facts in his face. But all of this has to go really quick so he doesn't get a hold on any of you." I explained while pointing to everyone.

Jameson pointed at me. He basically said, 'What are you gonna do?"

"What I came here to do...get Y/N back. You and Chase are gonna help me find her somewhere in the house."

"Good thing I get stronger when I'm drunk." Chase laughed.

"Alright, we'll all go and find a window in the kitchen. Wilford, you know what to do." He nodded and went to the front door as we all went outside of the kitchen.

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