Never Gonna Be Alone

447 21 17


I fluttered my eyes open to see the light from the sun, shining into Anti's room. I loved last night even though we didn't do that much, but it was still exhilarating. I looked to my left to see him facing me, his eyes still closed lightly. He was still asleep. I rolled to face him, and scooched closer. I played with his hair.

He's so adorable when he's asleep. I thought as I smiled. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw it was me.

"Good morning, my love." I said quietly with a smile.

"Morning, darling." He kissed me. "You woke me up."

"Sorry," I started. "Was it my thoughts?"

"Yes and no." He answered. "It was that, and you running your fingers through your hair."

I stopped, and apologized. "Sorry..." I said while blushing. He took my hand, and put it back in his hair. I continued twirling my fingers through his emerald green hair.

"Don't be..." He said with a slight smirk. I bit my lip a little. We then got out of the bed, and started the day.

(Time skip)

I had scheduled a hair appointment with my friend Emily's salon today, and I was gonna have Anti come down with me. As he waited for me downstairs, I was finishing up getting dressed. As I was grabbing my keys and about to leave my room, my phone started to ring in my back pocket. I took it out, and I noticed it was my mom. I wonder...why is she calling me? I answered the phone immediately, somewhat eager to talk to her again.

(Text conversation: Y=Y/N, M=Mom)

Y: Hey mom! What's up?

M: Honey....please come over to my house...

Y: What's the matter, mom? I'm already worried.

M: There's....there's someone here. I'm hiding in my closet right now, but I'm afraid he'll find me...

Y: Did you get a good look at the guy?

M: Eh...I saw his outfit. I didn't see his face. He wore a gray suit...and...

M: ...

Y: Mom? MOM!?

(End of conversation)

I ran out of my room and down the stairs, completely forgetting that Anti was waiting for me. He noticed I was in a hurry, and looked worried.

"What's wrong? Why are you going so fast?" He asked as we grabbed both our jackets.

"It''s my mom!" I exclaimed. We threw on our jackets and drove as fast as we could to my mother's new house.

We finally arrived, having Anti call Emily to cancel my appointment in the process. I unbuckled my seat belt, and booked it into my mother's house. Anti ran in closely behind me.

"Mom!" I yelled as I burst through the door. She was no where to be seen downstairs. I ran upstairs, and to the bathroom.


Spare bedroom, nothing.

Master bathroom, nothing.

Regular bathroom, nothing....

It seemed as if all hope was lost, until I found her lying on the floor in the master bedroom. Blood was seeping out of her legs and arms with many cuts covering both of each. The sleeves of her blue, now red stained top, looked like they were cut at the shoulders. The cuts she had on her legs tore open her jeans. Her legs and ankles had bruises and blood rushing down them, with more cuts on her thighs than she had on her arms. I rushed over to her, and knelt down and lay on her chest. Tears were already flowing out of my eyes. Anti walked over to the bed with a phone up to his ear.

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