Trying Not To Love You

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I turned my head slightly as I sobbed, and looked at the hooded man. He sat there with his legs wide open, as any other guy would sit, though I was sitting like that now. I had tights on, so I was safe. He sat there, twiddling his fingers around each other, and he would eventually glance up at my face. When he did, I would look back down at my feet and continue crying. I felt uncomfortable after a while, and finally broke the silence.

"Don't you have anything else better to do other than listen to me cry?" I said in between sobs.

"N-no...not really..." He said quietly. He had an accent, but I couldn't make out what type it was. I pretended I couldn't hear him.

"Speak louder, please."

"I don't really have anything else better to do. I saw you storm out of the party pissed off, so I wanted to...see if you were okay?" He asked himself as he shrugged his shoulders. He hung his head low in embarrassment.

I sat up and wiped the tears from my eyes and cheaks. His accent was Irish! I've never heard a foreign accent in face to face before. I was in awe, but tried not to show it. I looked over at him, and his hood was still up. He wore a dark blue hoodie, and black, ripped, tight jeans. He wore black converse as well. I thought I saw a couple strands of green hair sticking out from his hood.

"It's okay. Just people being a**holes in my usual. I won't put you through the details." I needed someone to talk to, but I wanted that someone to be Lizzy. I wasn't about to pour my feelings out to a man I met at a party.

He scooted closer, and he started to wrap his arm around me, but I flinched. I still couldn't see his face, but I knew he was shocked. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"Before I can trust you, I wanna see your face." I said. He held the edges of his hood, and looked away.

"Are you sure?" He said.

"Extremely." I answered. He pulled down his hood with a sigh. He had deal green hair, and it was brown and shorter than the rest of his hair on the sides. He looked familiar. I was about to ask him his name when turned his whole body towards me. I couldn't believe what I saw.

He looked at me with a bit of sorrow and pity in his eyes. Both of his eyes were a dark green that seemed impossible to receive naturally, and the whites of his eyes had a tint of green and looked a little bloodshot. His skin was pale, and he had blood stains on his neck. My eyes widened. What am I looking at right now?

"I figured that would be your reaction..." He said as he started to put his hood back up. I stopped him, and he looked at me with confusion.

"What, you like seeing his hideousness?" He said as he left his hood alone.

"You're...not hideous at all." I said as I looked at him closer. Realization hit me.

"Wait...are you...Antisepticeye?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah." He said. I thought more.

"And, that man at the party with the gray suit, that was Darkiplier!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah..." Anti sighed. "He drags me to s*** like that."

"I-it's okay. I was dragged to that party too."

"By the girl that you were with?" He asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You didn't think that I didn't know you were looking at me, did you?" I blushed a little.

"I'm sorry. I zoned out, I didn't mean to." I put my face in my palms in embarrassment.

He put his hands on my shoulders. He felt comforting, and I felt safe. "It's okay!" He said. "No need to apologize. Now, what happened? Why did you stomp out? Who was following you?"

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