Dear Daughter

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A couple days pass where nothing majour happens. I've been making videos for my channel and updated them on where I was living. I told them I moved in with a friend from high school that was very camera shy, and didn't want to be seen or heard. At least on my channel. Anti did go out the other day to help Sean with an Antisepticeye video he was doing.

As I just finished uploading videos for the day, I heard my phone go off. I picked it up, and it was a text from my mom.

Is she drunk texting me? I thought. She never usually texts me when she's sober, so I've grown to think that when she does, she's drunk. I read the text.

(Text conversation: Y=Y/N, M=Mom)

M: Darling, I went to Lizzy's house today, and she said you moved away. Where are you?

Y: Hey mom. I moved in with a guy I met at a party. He's super nice and we get along really well.

M: Whatever happened to that James?

Y: He's long gone. I caught him cheating on me at the same party I met my roommate at.

M: Douche.

Y: Hehe! Yeah. So, anyway, why are you texting me?

M: To tell you...that I've paid off all the debts we owe.

Y: What? How?

M: I actually won at bingo the other night! $2,000,000!!!

Y: 2 million! As in cash money!?

M: Yes darling! And I bet you'll be happy to hear this too...

Y: What?

M: I got some help, and went to rehab.

Y: Really?

M: Yes. I'll tell you more about it once I get to where you live in my new car. Where is it you live now?

(End of conversation)

I told my mom about the mansion-like house that I live in, and she told me that she was on her way. I couldn't believe it. My mom actually got some help and stopped drinking. I almost cried I was so happy. In fact, I did. I sat on my computer, smiling as I felt tears leave my eyes and slowly slide down my cheeks. I heard Anti's footsteps outside my room, and he must've heard my sobs because he came in looking worried.

"Y/N? Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asked. I turned around with the smile still on my face.

"More than okay!" I exclaimed as I jumped up to hug him. He laughed when I held him, and he pet my head.

"What's going on?" He asked happily.

"My mom's coming over! And she went to rehab! She's not drinking anymore! She won bingo and won 2 million dollars! She's rich!" I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

"Well, I can't wait to meet her!" He said. He kissed me quickly, and we went down to the living room. We watched movies as we waited for a knock on the front door.

(Time skip)

After watching the first Avengers movie and half of the second one, we finally heard a knock on the front door. I jumped up quickly, and ran to it. I eagerly opened it, to see my mom wearing a pair of jeans with a purple t-shirt. Her hair was done nicely, which is a big change, and a huge smile was on her face. Her eyes lit up when I opened the door.

"Mom!" I yelled as I jumped up and hugged her.

"Y/N!" She replied. "I missed you so much!" She held me tightly. I could feel Anti stare at us. I turned my head a little and saw a smile on his face. I started crying a little.

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