If Everyone Cared

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After about 20 minutes of driving, and singing very loudly to songs on a rock and roll mix-CD that I've made, we finally arrived at the party. Lizzy had let me borrow a party dress she had, as she had many. It was green, of coarse, and it went past my knees. On the chest it had a lace pattern, and it was actually really cool looking. Since how we were the same shoe size, she let me borrow the matching pair of green heels. She put a bit of make-up on, which I didn't like, but I had to live with it.

"Are you ready?" Lizzy asked me as she grabbed her purse.

"I guess." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Deal with it!" We got out of the car, and went inside.

I walked in, and the music was very loud. Louder than us singing in the car, which is saying something. It was dark, but there was a lot of flashing lights to have a little light in the apartment. I clinged to Lizzy before she ran off to do her own thing.

"So...who exactly do you know here?" I asked.

"I don't know." She answered.

I let go of her arm out of shock. "Are you telling me you don't know anyone here!?!" I yelled.

"Sorry, but this'll be fun, I promise! Let me get you a drink."

I was silent for a minute. I didn't drink much, but when I had the oppertunity, I took advantage of it. "What type of drink?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Follow me." She said. She grabbed my arm, and dragged me to a mini bar. There was a bartender behind it, doing tricks, making different mixes of alcohol and fruit flavours.

"What can I get for ya Lizzy?" The bartender asked.

"Robert!" She exclaimed.

"In the flesh." He put out his arms, continuing to do a trick while making someone a drink.

I tapped on Lizzy's shoulder. "I thought you didn't know anyone here." I noted.

"I thought I didn't either. Robert and I worked at a club together. That's where he got this gig I presume?" She asked him.

"Yup. I still work there, but I'll be a bartender for parties if I want to. And if they pay good." He laughed as he poured a drink, and slid it down to someone at the end of the bar. That someone had their hood up. He looked like a man, and looked like he didn't want to be here. I watched him for a minute, zoning out, and a man walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. I could barely hear them over the music, but I did.

"You're not having fun, are you?" The man that was standing asked. His wore a grey suit. He looked way too fancy to be here, but whatever he likes I guess.

"Not really." The man that was sitting said as he took a gulp of his drink. I couldn't see his face.

"Bartender!" He yelled. Robert turned his head towards him as he made mine and Lizzy's drinks. "Another round once your finished!"

"Coming right up!" He poured our drinks. "2 Strawberry, cherry, with just a touch, of raspberry rum mixes." He said as he slid them over to us. I picked up the glass. It had salt around the edge of the glass. I took a sip, and it was actually really good.

"How is it?" Lizzy asked.

"Pretty good." I answered with a smile.

"See? I told you this would be fun." She looked around at the people at the party. She pointed to a guy that looked familiar.

"There's James!" She said, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me. "Go show him how cute you are!"

I sighed. He hasn't been the nicest to me lately. He's been getting angrier with me easily, and he's slapped me in the face a couple of times. He kicked me after I fell down. Lizzy knew about this, and she comforted me, but I didn't show her the new scars on my ankles and wrists.

"Do I have to?" I asked with a frown.

"That's right..." She said. "Well, give it a shot. Maybe he finally straightened himself out. And if he didn't, he'll be answering to me!" She held up her fist, the one that wasn't holding her empty glass of rum.

"Robert!" She yelled, turning back to the bar. "'Nother round!"

Robert finished sliding 5 more glasses of alcohol to the mysterious man, who still had his hood up.

I turned away, and started walking towards James. Maybe Lizzy was right. Maybe he did finally get his s*** together. But as I walked forward more, the farther he went. He went up the stairs, and I followed quietly. There was barely anyone up stares, but he didn't suspect anything. He went to one of the rooms, and closed the door behind him. Someone walked through the hall, and I pretended I was looking for the bathroom.

"Bathroom's right here." The person said, pointing to the door that James had walked into. I heard a deep giggle.

"Sounds like someone's using it now though." The person giggled, and walked back to the party. I put my ear to the door, listening for any other sounds. I heard a thud, and a couple more deep giggles. But I also heard a feminine giggle as well, which pissed me off. I heard another thud, and a couple of quiet noises that I couldn't make out what they were. They didn't sound like voices though, it sounded like...jeans hitting the floor? No. There was no way he could be doing this. Is this why he's been such a d*** lately? Is this why he's been punching me in the face and s***?

No...f***ing...way. I thought. I quietly turned the door knob. It wasn't locked.

Idiots didn't lock the door. I thought. I opened the door.

James and some random girl both lay on the ground, with James half way down her torso as she held his head, tugging on his hair. Her jeans were in the floor, and his shirt lay next to them.

"What the f***!?!?!" I yelled.

"Y/N!?" James said.

"Who's that, babe?" The girl said.

"BABE!?" I screamed. I stormed away.

"Y/N, wait!" I heard him yell as I stomped away. I whipped my head around, I saw him putting on his shirt, and re-doing his belt as he walked towards me. I was at the bottom of the stairs when he finally caught me by my arm. I shook his grip off and walked outside. Lizzy tried to stop me with her slurred words, but I ignored her. I thought I saw the hooded man look at me too, but I didn't care. I wanted to be alone. I wanted to cry. There was one more thing I wanted to do too, but I'd rather not say.

James finally caught me on the porch. He held both of my shoulders and turned me around to face him. I turned my head, avoiding eye contact with him. He lightly grabbed my jaw, and made me look at him. I spat in his face. He flinched.

"Let me go, a**hole." I demanded.

"Babe, just hear me out-" I cut him off.

"I will not listen to what you have to say!" I said. "There is no good reason for you to cheat on me! I've done nothing to you! Honestly, it would make more sense of I cheated on you! But I stayed faithful, while you ran to some other b**** just so you could get a quick f***!" I ranted.

He let go of me, and slapped my face. I fell down, and he kicked me. I kicked his ankle, and caught him by surprise. I got up, and ran as far as I could. I heard him cursing me as I ran.

I ran to the park that we passed and sat on a bench. It was dark out, luckily I wore a watch and it was about 9:30PM. I sat on the bench, and looked down at my feet. I felt as tears welled up in my eyes, and I decided to let them out. I cried as I put my hands to my face. I don't understand why people do things like this. It's like no one cares. I started to sing.

"If everyone cared,
Then nobody cried.
If everyone loved,
And no body lied...
If everyone shared,
And swallowed their pride,
Then we'd see the day...
Where nobody died.

And in singing A-Amen I,
Amen I, I am alive.
Amen I, Amen I, Amen I,
I am alive." I continued crying.

I saw a figure walk to the bench and sit down at the other end of the one I sat on. I refused to look up, but I knew they were there. I sat there crying as I felt warmer all of a sudden. The person had scooted closer to me, and I could feel their body heat. I reluctantly looked up, to see the hooded man from the bar at the party.

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