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We finally arrived after about an hour. Anti looked a little clueless on the way there. I asked him what was wrong, but he never answered. I decided to let it go, and just let him do his thing. But after a while, we did manage to get there. We both stood there outside and stared at the house for a minute. It looked like it was made out of a dark wood, but it looked like a mansion! It had a lot of windows to let light into the house, and a giant staircase lead up to the porch and front door. I walked up them with Anti close next to me, and we walked inside.

I was met with a living room with a huge couch that had a coffee table in front of it. The couch faced a large flat screen TV with an entertainment center filled with movies, video games, consoles, and a DVD player. Various piles of different games for different consoles, and various piles of different movie genres were neatly stacked inside.

Behind that was a large table with many chairs lined up along the side, and 1 chair at each end as well. Flowers in a pot sat in the middle of the table with some mood candles that were not lit next to them. The kitchen was near that, and had a counter lined up the end with the basic necessities; a refrigerator, a stove and oven, a dishwasher, a sink, and a pantry. Everything was filled with food and ingredients for different dishes. The dishes were neatly stacked in a cupboard above the sink. There was also the back door, that lead to the garden and backyard.

"Follow me." Anti said. He grabbed my hand and lead my back to the living room up the stairs.

He opened 1 door and lead me inside. It was a bedroom, that I guessed was mine. The bed was to my left with dark purple curtains hanging above it, connected to the 4 corners of the bed frame. There was a computer, and a couple of dressers.

Guess I won't need to bring my computer. I thought with a small giggle.

"I-I'm sorry...if that's a problem, we can bring yours."

"It's perfectly fine." I reassured him. "This one's probably way better than my other one anyway." I said as I took a closer look at it. I walked next to my bed, and saw a door. I opened it to see a walk-in closet; filled with only a few outfits that I would wear much, but Lizzy would definately wear them. They were short and skimpy clothes that I wasn't in to. I set one of my suitcases on the bed, and opened it to see the type of clothes that I like to wear. Anti helped me unpack.

"Thanks for letting me move in..." I thanked him.

"It's no problem." He answered. "More time to spend with you means the world to me." I looked over at him with a smile, until I saw that he looked shocked with himself.

"Did I say that out loud?" He asked. He started hitting himself in the the head.

"Stop! Stop!" I said as I grabbed his arms. "Calm down! means the world to me too." I smiled more. He took a deep breath, and we continued unpacking.

We finally finished, and I plopped down on the bed. I was tired, but I couldn't nap. I really wanted to draw, so that's what I was going to do. I walked to my computer and hooked up my tablet, opening up my paint program and started a new project.

"My room is next door, and the bathroom is next to that if you need it. Yell over if you need anything, okay? I have to leave though."

"Definitely, but where are you going?" I asked with a frown.

"I have to go out and get some stuff. I won't be gone long. Okay?"

"Okay. Be back quick!"

He opened the door to my room. "I'll do my best." He said with a small laugh as he left. I continued drawing and listening to music, waiting for Anti to come back from shopping.

An Uncommon Love (Anti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now