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Me and Anti have lived together for almost a year, and soon it's gonna be my birthday. A day that I actually barely look forward to. I never liked the thought of growing older. I've always wanted to stay young, just because life is so much easier. But, I still craved wanting to be a demon like Anti. I knew it was weird, but I want to be with him all the time. I couldn't control it.

Lizzy has been doing what she always does. She's jumping from party to party, doing the same thing every night; some guy she doesn't know. I asked her if she was ever gonna settle on one guy like I have.

"I'm trying to find the guy from the party I dragged you to!" She said.

"Why? What's so special about him?"

"I don't know. He was hot and just like me." She explained.

"Is that all you can remember?" I laughed a little.

"I was drunk that night. Obviously, that's all I can remember."

I haven't seen Elizabeth or James in a while, and I honestly intended to keep it that way. I know Elizabeth said that she turned over a new leaf, and James said that he was drunk that day, and has been going to therapy, but it still doesn't changed the past. I don't know if I can fully forgive them yet. It depends on their future actions. Elizabeth I may see her actually changing her ways. James on the other hand, I can't be quite sure about him.

I thankfully haven't seen Dark in a while either. I still wanted that explanation from Anti about why he's in the Underworld, but we haven't watched Percy Jackson yet, so that conversation can still sit on the shelf for a bit. Until then, I'll just keep dusting it off so I don't forget about it. I wonder though, will Dark turn over a new leaf, too? Hopefully. I don't wanna go through all that again. I can't handle it. But I know, as long as I'm with Anti, I'll be safe.


Øř śô ÿõű ţhïňk....

There you have it! The end of An Uncommon Love. This will be another series on my Wattpad, and it's gonna be a cliche Twilight kind of thing, but it's gonna be better than Twilight obviously. Hehehe. I'm gonna follow the basic story line of it, but make my own alterations here and there to make everything fit and stuff. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this series.

Oh! And before I go, I will write the last book to my Dark Corners series....

After I finding the second book of this series. Yes, I'm evil and making you all wait. Lol. But there will be 4 instead of just 3 books in this series so you're welcome. I hope you like both of them, and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

An Uncommon Love (Anti X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now