The Way You Make Me Feel

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I've been a little scared ever since I kicked Dark out of our house a few days ago. I knew that he would try to come and get Y/N for himself. I knew Dark, better than anyone else! I knew that he would not let this go without a fight. And if that's what it took to have Y/N's safe, then that's what it's gonna be. Today, I plan to go to Dr. Schneep, Wilford, Googleplier, and any other alter egos that will help me keep her safe in anyway, and they would need to keep it a secret from Dark. I know that he's planning something, I can feel it. And...I feel something else too.

It's like a longing.

A yearning.


I knew it had something to do with Y/N, and I could tell that she felt it too. The thoughts I heard from her, she talked about how she liked it when we kissed yesterday in the living room. When I grabbed her waist. When she was the one who leaned in. We both loved it, and I think we both wanted something...more.

But that's gonna have to wait. It's the next day now, and I have to go and meet the other alter egos of Jack, Mark, and maybe even a few others. Y/N came down the stairs as I was putting on my leather jacket, getting ready to leave.

"Where you going?" She asked.


"I'm just...going to Jack's for about an hour or 2. Me, Mark, and him are meeting up for a video. It's gonna be like a thing where I tie them up and make them play a scary game for my amusement or something." Anti explained. "We don't have all the details yet, but it's like improv. We're gonna make it up as we go along."

"Cool! Don't be long. I'm gonna invite Lizzy over if that's okay. We're gonna make a video together as well."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you later." He came up to me, and kissed me. He grabbed onto my waist again, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged on his hair a little. He giggled quietly, and continued kissing me. It was like underneath that awkward, introvert shell, is an animal that is ready to burst out at any moment. I kinda liked that. He grabbed my waist even tighter, like when Dark came over, and dug his nails into me. I gasped from the slight pain, but continued kissing him like I didn't care. In fact, I didn't. He finally let go, and blushed. I thought I saw a slight smirk place on his face.

"I-I'll see you later?" I asked, knowing I was smirking.

"Y-yeah. Definately." He then opened the door, and left.

(Time skip)

I had called Lizzy, and see if she wanted to do an art collab, or play video games with me on my channel. She wanted to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Switch, and I was completely fine with that. When she arrived, we set up all of the stuff necessary to record a video, and started.

"Hello people! I am C/N, and I am back with my best friend Lizzy!" I said into the camera. "Say hello!"

"Hello everybody! I'm back to torture you with my awful skills at Mario Kart!" She joked. We both laughed.

"I'm sure you've practiced." I said, lightly punching her shoulder.

"Not really." She noted while starting up the game. "Every time I practice, I'm lucky if I can get up into 8th place."

"Well maybe your luck will change."

"There's only one way to find out!" She clicked on multiplayer, and we started racing.

It felt like we sat there for hours, playing Mario, and talking about random bulls*** going on that we just felt like talking about. I told her about my mom and how she was doing way better, but I plan to cut that out in editing. I haven't told my subscribers about my mom. I wasn't going to until it was for sure that she would be okay for good. After talking about that though, we started talking about Anti. Another thing I had to cut out in editing because they thought I lived with an old friend from high school.

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