No Matter What

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I looked back at Anti who looked like himself again. His eyes were impossibly dark green and a little bloodshot. His skin was paler and there were a few blood stains visible on this neck. We started walking to the park from last night.

We sat on the lawn on a communal blanket under a tree, and just talked. We must've stayed there till the sun went down, because we completely lost track of time and it got dark out when we were still out. We didn't care.

"So you can like...change into other people? And you can hear others thoughts?" I asked.

"I can only change into Jack and his other personalities, but yes. And yes, I can hear people's thoughts." He said.

"That's awesome." I smiled. Talking to him was really fun. We didn't do anything much. We stopped at the outdoor market and bought some strawberries though. He had never had one before. I took the pocket knife out of my pocket, and cut the leafy part of of the strawberry.

"You carry a pocket knife with you?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just in case anything bad happens to me. Which is frequent." I popped the strawberry into my mouth. I cut another one, and held it up. "Open." I said to Anti. He opened his mouth, and I threw the strawberry. He caught it, and I laughed.

"Let me try!" He said as he reached for my knife. He cut a strawberry, and threw it to me. I almost caught it, but didn't. It hit the top of my nose, and bounced onto the grass. We both laughed.

I noticed that the box of strawberries we bought was empty. I noticed a trash can in the distance, and got up to throw it away.

When I was about to sit back down on the blanket, I tripped on a root of a tree that I didn't see. I started to fall forwards, and all I saw was Anti's face in shock as he leaned back to lay down. I fell onto his chest.

"Sorry. I'm clumsy and stupid." I said as I tried to get up, but fell right back down from losing the balance I had on my hands.

"You're not stupid." He said as moved the hair out of my face. I looked into his eyes that were full of compassion. Then, I had the feeling that I didn't want to get up. I wanted to lay there for the rest of eternity. But he started to sit up, and I crawled off of him. I blushed.

He tilted my head up to look him. He looked down a little to look at my lips. I did the same. We slowly leaned into each other, but was interrupted by someone saying my name, loud and annoying. It wasn't Lizzy's voice either. It was a voice that I haven't heard in a long time. One I never wanted to hear again.

"Oh my god! Y/N?!" Elizabeth said from far away. I turned my head to see her and her entourage from school walking torwards me.

No, no no no no no!!! I panicked. Not today, please!

"Y/N, what's the matter?" Anti asked as I started hyperventilating.

"She made fun of me, and beat me up in school. I don't want her here!" I whispered.

"Get behind me." He adjusted how we were sitting. He sat in front of me as Elizabeth and her entourage got closer. Anti held his arms out in front of me to make a wall. I tested my head on the back of Anti's shoulder. He had his hood up of his sweatshirt.

"Oh c'mon! Really Y/N? A bodyguard? I just wanna catch up with each other." She smirked as she reached into her pocket. "He looks like a creep anyway." She laughed. I felt him tense up.


No one is going to touch her. Especially not a girl who beat her up in school. I put Y/N behind me as we sat down. I felt her lay on my back, and she held me around my torso. I was comforted by her hold, and clearly she was comforted by me being there, period.

"Oh c'mon! Really Y/N? A bodyguard? I just wanna catch up with each other." The girl smirked as she reached into her pocket. "He looks like a creep anyway." She laughed. I tensed up from anger. I heard the girl's thoughts.

"This f***ing b**** seriously has a bodyguard with her? What the f***? Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way." She thought. "Good thing I brought this knife. I figured I would need it." I decided to freak her out a little.

And what do you plan to do with that knife? I asked in her mind.

"What the actual f*** just happened?" Her eyes widened a little.

Get the f*** away from here.

"I don't know who the h*** you are, but I think not." I stood up, and spoke aloud.

"Get away from here!" I glitched while keeping my hood up. I got angrier by the second, which made my voice more glitchy and distorted.

"No!" She demanded. She pushed me out of the way, and went for Y/N.

S***! I thought. I stood back up as they started to drag her away.


I cried as I was dragged away from Anti. He started running after me, but Elizabeth had gotten a good head start. She took a knife out of her pocket, and waved it in my face.

"Long time no see Y/N!" She noted.

"For a reason." I mumbled. She started to roll up my sleeve. Oh no...

"Looks like you've already done this before!" She said as she pointed to my scars with the point of her knife. "Let's add a few more, shall we?" She put in the point, and started cutting my wrists herself. I haven't done it in a while, and was quite proud of myself too. But as usual, Elizabeth has to come ruin everything for me. I screamed from the pain, and watched as her entourage laughed behind her. My eyes started to close when I saw Elizabeth get punched away. I turned my head to watch what was unfolding right before my eyes.

I saw Anti crawl on top of Elizabeth, and put a knife to her throat. She looked mortified and threatened, a look I've never seen on her face before. Anti looked completely pissed as he held the knife to her throat. Good thing it was dark outside. Before I started to get drowsy, but heard Anti say 1 thing to Elizabeth.

"Ñëvęŕ touch my girlfriend, again...." He said as I slipped into unconsciousness.

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