A Place With No Name

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The next morning came very quickly. I didn't get much sleep at night. I looked at the clock, and it read 7:43AM.

Well, I know I'm not gonna fall back asleep, so I might as well get up. I thought. I sat up and stretch, letting my legs hang off of the bed. I put on my slippers and went to the kitchen.

I looked around in the pantry and the cabinets for anything to make for breakfast, but we didn't have anything. The nearest grocery store near the apartment me and Lizzy lived in didn't open until 8:30. Now what?

I guess we could go to the new breakfast diner. I thought. I went back upstairs to my computer for directions.

After I got directions to get to the diner and wrote them down, I decided to check my YouTube channel as well. I had gained quite a few subscribers than what I had yesterday. Yesterday I had about 9,000, now I have a little more than 10,000.

There's no way...I thought. I looked at my notifications for channels I'm subscribed to, and see a very interesting video from Sean titled, "Subscribe To Her!" I click on it, and I am greeted with his usual intro.

"WAPISH! Top o' the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye, and I have a quick announcement for you all. Well, not really an announcement, more like something that I wanna do for someone." Sean seemed to fumble his words.

"A friend of mine, showed me a really cool channel last night. Just a casual channel that uploads speed paints and stuff like that, and her name is C/N (channel name)." My eyes went wide.

"Th-that's my channel!" Sean went to my channel page and showed off some of my videos.

"Yeah, she's really talented. My friend showed me quite a bit of her artwork and I love it to bits. If any of you seem interested, I urge you to check it out. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say really." He did his outro, and the video was over. I scrolled through the comments.

"Jack, you're an awesome dude! Showing off channels like that, and giving them support. That's cool!" One comment said. I decided to leave one myself.

"Sean," I started typing. "Thank you so much for the shout out and your support. I've watched your videos ever since I was about 13. I'm 21 now, and they are still a part if my daily routine. I don't know what made you choose my channel over so many of the other ones out there, but thank you. This really means a lot to me. <3" I heard Lizzy walking into the bathroom, so I knew she was awake.

"Lizzy!" I yelled from outside the bathroom.

"What?" She yelled back.

"Wanna go to that new diner in town for breakfast?"

"Sure. You should invite your new friend too!" She noted.

"I don't know what you mean..." I blushed.

"You can't hide it from me Y/N! Invite him!" I stomped back to my room, and heard a ding from my phone. I picked it up, noticing it was a text from Anti! I immediately replied back.

(Text conversation: A=Anti, Y=Y/N)

A: Hey! Good morning. Are you awake?

Y: Yeah. How'd you sleep?

A: S***ty.

Y: Me too. I got at least 4 hours of sleep last night. 😓

A: It's alright. Did you see Jack's new vid?

Y: I did! Were you the friend who showed him my channel?

A: Yeah...😝

Y: Thanks! It gave me a pretty big boost in subs. Btw, I was wondering...

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