Here Without You

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I sat there alone in the room at that Dark brought me into, the one with a single bed. My bare arms and legs were covered in bruises and red marks from the grip he held on them as he raped me. I was freezing cold and still had no clothes on. I sat there crying, begging for Anti to bust through the door any moment. Either that, or for my life to end.

"Just....end me....please....god...." My voice sounded raspy and dry.

A moment later, Dark opened the door and wheeled in a table with a cloth over it. I guessed that the cloth covered items to torture me with. Or as he called it, 'play' with.

"Wanna play with me?" He asked.

I stayed silent as I still cried. He took a syringe and put it in a bottle of some sort of red glowing liquid. I felt drowsy as I watched him set the bottle down and walk over to me with the syringe full of the red liquid.

"Please play with me!" He begged. He grabbed my arm tight and I winced. He put the syringe into the crook of my elbow. "Or I'll make you play with me. We don't want that, do we?" I shook my head.

"Good girl. Now then..." He put the syringe into my arm, and injected the red substance into my bloodstream. I screamed as I felt it spread through my veins and into my head, immediately giving me a migraine. He asked once more.

"Do you wanna play with me now?"

It was weird. I had no feeling of wanting to resist. I had no feeling of regret when I nodded my head and squeaked up my voice. I had barely any control of my own thoughts.

"Yes Dark. I would love to play with you." I squeaked. He took off his shirt and crawled on top of my still naked body.

"You're such a good little girl when you do what I tell you. Now, will you do a couple more things for me?" He said as he leaned down closer to my neck.

"Anything." I said.

"When ever we do things like this, you will always do what I say. Right now, I want you to move your head to the side. Can you do that for me?"

I tilted my head.

"Thank you. And one more thing..."

"Yes Dark?" I asked.

"From now on, address me as Daddy."

I felt something inside me try to fight against what he was telling me to do, but it's like my own mind didn't care. I knew this was wrong, but it was like my brain had a brain of its own! It made its own decisions and didn't give me an actual choice. Whatever that substance was, was making me do this s***. And I knew next time, to fight when Dark tried to inject it into me. I failed the battle of fighting against calling him what he wanted.

"Of coarse, Daddy." I said as I closed my eyes and moaned when he bit my sweet spot again.

"I love you." He said before he moved away from my neck and down my torso.

(Time skip)

Dark had finished and I felt very tired and drowsy, but I couldn't sleep. I felt my wrists and ankles be freed from the cuffs and chains that held me. I looked up to see Dark releasing them. He threw a towel to me.

"The bathroom is right there." He pointed to a door ahead of the bed. "Next to that is the closet. I will choose your outfit for the day."

"I guess you want me to shower?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. You haven't showered in 2 days." He said before he entered the closet.

I got up and went into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked awful. I had dark circles and bags under my eyes like I haven't slept in a month. There were bruises and red prints all over my body from Dark holding onto me tightly. There were slight blood stains from where he dug his nails into me when he held too tight.

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