True Colours

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Before we went to bed that night, Anti had healed up the wounds on my back from Dark whipping me. And he had healed my leg to put the bones back to one piece. He did have to put bandages on my back though. The wounds were so bad, it made Anti weak from the amount of power he had to use so he had to stop before they were completely gone. I felt awful, but I knew if I said sorry, he would just say it was his fault when it wasn't. Dark is the one that caused all this. It's his fault.

The next day, we both slept in late from the busy day we had. We at least slept until 9AM, which is a dream for us. We both usually wake up around 4 or 5, and if we were lucky we got a couple more hours of sleep than that. I was fast asleep when I felt him roll over and rest his head on top of my shoulder. I fluttered my eyes open and smiled when I saw his adorable smile.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said quietly.

"Morning..." I said, kissing him on the lips quickly. "What do you wanna do today?" I asked, hoping for a specific answer.

"I just wanna spend all of my time with you today. We need to make up for lost time." His eyes had a tad bit of lust in them. I've never seen them like that before, but I kinda liked it.

"Me too." I said as I slowly sat up. I uncovered myself with the blankets and rubbed my eyes. "I'll go make some breakfast."

"I'll be down really soon." He said as he quickly got up from the bed. He went to the closet to grab a pair of pajama pants. He went to the bathroom to change. I put on my slippers, grabbed my phone and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and looked around the fridge and pantry for ingredients to make some breakfast with. I managed to find some eggs and bacon, but that's it. There was milk in the fridge too and a couple glasses were clean. I cracked some eggs into a bowl when I felt arms wrap around my waist. Instead of closing my eyes like a dumba**, I turned around to see the beautiful, impossible shade of green eyes, that I've grown to love with all my life.

"Not wasting any time I see?" I laughed.

"I never waist time when you're around. I'll spend all of my time with you, to the fullest." He said. He started to kiss my neck that was still covered in hickies. I moaned a little, but I shood him away. He whined.

"After breakfast." I teased.

His eyes lit up and filled with ecstasy. "Yay!" He exclaimed as he sat down at the table. I continued to make breakfast.

(Time skip to when you're getting dressed.)

I got out of the shower, and kind of wanted to wear something a little different than what I normally wear. Usually I wear a pair of jeans that are one size too big, a graphic t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers with a sweatshirt on. And when I start to overheat, I take off my sweatshirt and tie it around my waist. I do that often. But today, I decide to jump out of my comfort zone a little. I walked into my closet and looked around.

Today I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees and thighs. I grabbed a pair of converse, and a tank top that had the empire state building with rainbow lights on it. I walked back down and saw Anti in his usual outfit. He must've had copies of the same tight black shirt, the same ripped black skinny jeans, and he wore the same converse everyday. He sat on the couch, and I walked over to him and sat next to him. I leaned on his shoulder, and immediately felt a kiss on my forehead.

"Going for a different look today?" He said, noticing my outfit.

"Y-yeah..." I said, blushing. "D-do you like it?" I asked.

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