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I packed my bag with a book, my keys, my wallet, and my phone. Calum had asked if he could take me home after our date, so he could kiss me goodnight at my doorstep. I wouldn't mind that. I agreed. The record store wasn't too far. Grace also offered to take me to work.

I checked my outfit in the mirror, my yellow sweater hanging just under my butt. I had on high rise blue jeans and my white, dirty converse. I rolled my jeans up, and sprayed on a citrus perfume.

Grace came to pick me up, and I slid into the front seat. "Damn, you smell, and look amazing." She says.

I laugh, "Thank you."

"When was the last time you had a real date?" She asked.

"I honestly have no idea. My expectations are pretty low these days."

"Hopefully this ones a gentleman."

"I hope so too." I sighed, fidgeting in my seat for a second.

"Are you going to have sex with him tonight?"

I blushed and changed the subject. "So how's the studio?"

"It's been good. Everything's going really great, but there's something missing."

"What's that?"

"Your back up vocals and riffs that spice up the songs. I've been thinking... Will you join me in TiLLie? Even on tour? You're my best friend, I like when we work together."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Well, I'd have to ask the owner of the record shop to see if she's okay with it."

"She knows you want to do this. She'll let you."

"I would absolutely love to, Grace." I respond.

"I still want you to come around on your own creations."

"I've been trying to." I admit. "One day I'll show you what I've got."

"Alright." She smiled, and then tells me how today would go down. She would monitor while people were setting up, Danny would check tickets, and I would stay up at the front, and bring the bands CDs that we had up there.

I had some work to do before they would get there, and I hoped it wouldn't run over so I could see them play again. Before, I didn't know their music, hardly at all. Now I know a few more songs. I enjoyed listening to them in my short transitions from place to place. When I would shower, I liked listening to something I knew better so I could sing to the music. I had an amazon speaker in my bathroom and in my kitchen.


There is nothing in the world that I think I could have hated more than two things, sexual assailants and math. I sigh, I was supposed to be done with this by the time they had gotten here, but here I am now. I'm sitting in the office, blowing smoke out of my ears. I have been doing this stuff for two years when I moved here and got the job, and I still have no idea what I'm doing.

"Has your brain shit itself?" Calum asked. He leaned into the counter. I had left the door open, in case someone needed me.

I raise my head up from it's smushed place on my arm. "Is it that obvious?"

"Nah, it was just an assumption." He chuckles.

"You know what they say about assumptions?" I ask.

"No, what?"

"They make an ass out of you and me. Ass. U. M."

He smirks, "I'll remember that for next time."

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