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It got hot lol hope y'all had fun with that


I wake up, still sleepy. My girl has her head on my chest, snoring. Every time we fall asleep together, it ends up in the morning with her hanging onto me. She was precious. Ace was curled up between our legs, as if he was saying not to get any closer to his mom.

After I sent the picture to the guys in our group message, they responded with congratulations. I told them, because they knew everything except for things that were private. I mean, sex is private, but they knew we hadn't had sex because I told them she wanted to wait until she knew I wouldn't leave her. I wouldn't even dream of leaving her, especially over something materialistic like sex and desire. 

I'm glad we finally had sex, though. You would have been able to cut the tension with a knife after we would make out with each other. I loved kissing her, and kissing her neck. I loved the way her body would react to mine.

She shows her affection in different ways than other girls I've dated. She sends me little texts here and there, telling me she's thinking about me. She cooks for me, and makes or brings me coffee. She brings me another water bottle when we meet at the gym together, in case I forget mine (which happens too often). Her kisses are also different. She doesn't really like to snuggle, but she does anyway because she knows I like to. When she sees a CD she knows I would like, she brings them to me. She also finds the things I like at the store, because she knows what I like to eat.

She hangs out with me and my friends every now and then, because she knows I love them and want them to like her. They made a plan last time for today, we would all jam together. I wanted show my sweet girl a song I wrote for her, but I was going to wait until it was perfect, like her. It's no where close to perfect, currently.

I show my affection in ways that I know how too. I cuddle with her, and bring her flowers. She loves flowers, I knew that just by seeing all of her tattoos last night. I take her to the beach on sunny days, because she loves seeing the water. The beach is her happy place. I bring her coffee, and buy her bagged Starbucks grounds because I know she likes them. She collects mugs, and books, and blankets, and CD's. When I see something I know she doesn't have, I get them for her. She doesn't like sweets, but she loves fruit, so when I bring her lunch, or take her out to eat, I make sure they have fruit, or strawberry ice cream. She loves strawberry ice cream, and dark chocolate.

I found that she loves watches, and she loves earrings, but only the ones that are studs, she doesn't ever wear dangley ear rings or hoops. She loves makeup, and movies. She loves music, and she dances while she cleans. I dance with her, because it makes her smile. I always let her pick the movies we watch, even when they're weird or uncomfortable. She loves sweaters, so I wear them sometimes, because she likes how I look in them. 

She was only moody when her tummy hurts because of her period. That's when she's most cuddly, giving me a ton of kisses, and taking naps with me. She gets embarrassed because she thinks periods are nasty, but I still stick around, even when she pushes me away. She likes close mouthed kisses, a ton. She thinks they're cheesy, but cute. She says she loves the taste of my lips, but she makes me wear chap-stick. "When I kiss you, sometimes, it feels like your lips are exfoliating mine. Your lips are too rough." She would whine. She was precious.

She wasn't one to celebrate holidays, but she would prefer it if she were with her family anyway. She loves her family, more than anything else. She mentioned last night how she wanted me to meet them one day, but I didn't know what was going through her head. Does she want me to go with her next time she sees them? I had no idea. I would have to wait until she asked, because I didn't want to overstep.

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